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How to choose a LCD Monitor TFT Screen

When choosing your LCD Monitor TFT screen you need to think about how often you use it and what kind of graphics you view. If all you do is a little surfing and check your e-mails then a cheap 15” screen will probably do. If you do more demanding stuff like graphics or you have a few windows open then a SXGA 17” screen would be more appropriate. If you spend all day in front of your monitor you might need a bigger 19-24” screen.

Once you have an idea what size screen you want then think about the resolution. Each resolution has a name. The most common resolution is XGA 1024 x 768, Super or Ultra XGA (1400 x 1050, 1600 x 1200 respectively), WSGA/WUXGA (1640 x 1024, 1920 x 1280) Basically, 15” screens come in XGA, 17” are SGA. Some 18-19” are SXGA and some UXGA. All LCD’s 20-24” are UXGA.

If you want to play games on your LCD Monitor TFT you will need a fast response time of less than 20ms. The lower the response time the faster it will refresh. Most response times are 24ms. You will have to pay extra to get faster response times to play action games.

The LCD Monitor TFT contrast ratio needs to be at least 400:1 for general use and gaming. If you want to use your screen for graphics work or image editing you need a ratio of at least 700:1

Once you have the basics of what to look for in your new LCD Monitor TFT screen then there is lots of choice and styles. It is worth reading customer reviews to see if there are any pitfalls in the particular model you like and also which models get the rave reviews. Once you have decided on the model you would like, check out the comparison sites to get the best deal you can.

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