Health & Medical Self-Improvement

7 Keys to Combating Negative Self-Talk - Self-Talk Success Series Part 1

The thoughts you believe about yourself have an impact on professional and personal success.
Constant streams of thought race through our minds every single day.
Unfortunately, for many people a majority of those thoughts are negative.
We can be on conversational autopilot so it is easy to just accept and not question these derogatory thoughts.
The messages of negative self-talk can be subtle, but the impact is devastating.
The inner critic is on a mission to sabotage your dreams and destroy your self-confidence.
What kind of inner dialogue are you listening to? The type of conversation you allow in your mind can either build you up or tear you down.
Constantly accepting negative inner dialogue is a form of self-sabotage and it can be more hurtful than anything anyone else would ever say.
The inner critic thrives on increasing fear, doubt, hopelessness, and defeat.
We must learn to stop declaring anything that hinders our goals such as "I can't," "I don't have what it takes," and "I am not good enough.
" Now is the time to focus your mind on success and re-write your inner script.
In Part 1 of this Self-Talk Series, we are going to focus on 7 Keys to Combating Negative Self-Talk.
Increase Your Awareness.
The first step is to recognize what you are saying to yourself.
You probably don't realize how often negative thoughts enter your mind.
We tend to accept whatever flows through our minds -- no questions asked.
Journal writing can be an effective tool for thought awareness.
You can carry a journal with you and write down negative comments when they hit you, or write a summary of your thoughts at the end of the day.
This is a great way to figure out triggers and patterns.
Stop Your Negative Thoughts.
As you become aware of negative thoughts, you can halt them mid-stream by telling yourself "stop.
"This will increase your confidence and power over them.
Power Phrases.
You can also stop your thoughts with a powerful statement.
Think of these phrases as weapons when you are going into battle with your inner critic.
Have them ready to go at a moments notice.
Some power phrases may be "I deserve the best," "I will make my dreams a reality,"or "I am unstoppable.
" 4.
Switch the Negative.
Limiting statements like "I can't do this" or "this will never work" are particularly damaging.
They drain your motivation and stop you from moving forward.
The next time you find yourself engaging in critical thoughts, switch the negative self-talk to something positive and loving.
Instead of "I can't" or "I'm not" change to "I can" or "I will.
"Instead of "there is no way it will work" think "I will find a way to make it work.
" Be patient as this takes time to learn.
You have been thinking a certain way for a long time, but the good news is you can change your thinking.
A helpful exercise is to write down negative self-talk on the left side of a piece of paper.
Draw a dividing center line.
Transform the negative comments into positive ones and write them down on the right side of paper.
This will help condition your mind to transform negative thoughts into positive ones.
You can get power phrases from this exercises as well.
Remember you have a choice.
There is no cure for critical inner dialogue.
Negative thoughts will always try to infiltrate your mind, but you can control them.
You can choose how much power to give your thoughts.
You can choose what thoughts you want to entertain.
Knowing you have the authority to decide what re-plays in your mind is very empowering.
Being in control is a huge confidence booster.
If you don't say it to others, then don't say it to yourself.
Would you say any of your negative inner thoughts to someone else? If you would not call anyone else a "loser" or an "idiot" why would you say it to yourself? Negative thoughts absolutely destroy your self-esteem just as if you had another person demeaning you consistently.
Visualize a positive picture
Visualizing the positive is an incredible tool to combat negative self-talk.
If you are struggling with a goal, imagine yourself after you have already successfully achieved it.
Keep positive reminders around you -- a list of your dreams, a vision board with pictures of your goals.
Fill your mind with positivity.
It is important to keep your inner dialogue positive in order to achieve your dreams and goals.
When you stop listening to the inner critic, you'll stop draining your energy, hope, and motivation.
You will begin to thrive and be the success you are meant to be.
The possibilities are endless!

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