The Truth About Hypertension Pills
Medically, it has been proven that high blood pressure medicine can have serious side effects.
It's always better to try natural remedies first and then go for medication to cure high blood pressure as natural therapies don't have side effects as compared to drugs.
Side effects of commonly prescribed hypertension drugs may include flushing, dizziness, sexual problems, thirst, nausea, coughing, dizziness, sexual problems, chest pain, muscle cramps, abnormal heartbeat and frequent urination.
Every drug has its own systematic effect which can not be measured accurately in clinical trials.
For example, satin drugs, although they help in lowering the bad cholesterol but in addition to that they prohibit the liver from manufacturing other cholesterol's and hormones that the body manufactures from cholesterol.
In medical books satins have one positive effect but they affect body healthy physiology in many other ways such as blocking your sex drive.
Experts are of the view that many anti-hypertensive drugs do more damage to health than the high BP alone can do.
According to them, generally a conventional physician tends to prescribe drugs whenever the blood pressure goes out of normal range which is unjustified as it's going to harm the body in the long run.
The best way to maintain healthy blood pressure is by making exercise and balanced diet an essential part of your lifestyle.
If you're under severe stress, if you over-drink or smoke, or overweight or if you are seriously out of shape, a positive change in these factors is bound to have a drastic change in your blood pressure, despite of how high it is.
You can start with the natural cures for hypertension.
The problem is that most of the doctors don't have enough faith in their patients; they think that their patients are very unlikely to make the necessary changes in their lifestyle, so they tend to over prescribe the medication or intervene very quickly.
But the fact is that most of the people with the right support will try to improve their lifestyle especially if they are properly educated about the side effects of using hypertension drugs.
Start on a walking program, find a buddy who can motivate you so that you stick to your routine and be successful in making changes in your lifestyle.
Start eating healthy food, try to get rid of those mouth watering chocolate pies and cakes and replace them with nutritious fruits.
Consult your doctor regarding natural remedies for the treatment of hypertension.
It's always better to try natural remedies first and then go for medication to cure high blood pressure as natural therapies don't have side effects as compared to drugs.
Side effects of commonly prescribed hypertension drugs may include flushing, dizziness, sexual problems, thirst, nausea, coughing, dizziness, sexual problems, chest pain, muscle cramps, abnormal heartbeat and frequent urination.
Every drug has its own systematic effect which can not be measured accurately in clinical trials.
For example, satin drugs, although they help in lowering the bad cholesterol but in addition to that they prohibit the liver from manufacturing other cholesterol's and hormones that the body manufactures from cholesterol.
In medical books satins have one positive effect but they affect body healthy physiology in many other ways such as blocking your sex drive.
Experts are of the view that many anti-hypertensive drugs do more damage to health than the high BP alone can do.
According to them, generally a conventional physician tends to prescribe drugs whenever the blood pressure goes out of normal range which is unjustified as it's going to harm the body in the long run.
The best way to maintain healthy blood pressure is by making exercise and balanced diet an essential part of your lifestyle.
If you're under severe stress, if you over-drink or smoke, or overweight or if you are seriously out of shape, a positive change in these factors is bound to have a drastic change in your blood pressure, despite of how high it is.
You can start with the natural cures for hypertension.
The problem is that most of the doctors don't have enough faith in their patients; they think that their patients are very unlikely to make the necessary changes in their lifestyle, so they tend to over prescribe the medication or intervene very quickly.
But the fact is that most of the people with the right support will try to improve their lifestyle especially if they are properly educated about the side effects of using hypertension drugs.
Start on a walking program, find a buddy who can motivate you so that you stick to your routine and be successful in making changes in your lifestyle.
Start eating healthy food, try to get rid of those mouth watering chocolate pies and cakes and replace them with nutritious fruits.
Consult your doctor regarding natural remedies for the treatment of hypertension.