Lower Blood Pressure - Biggest Breakthrough Could Help Millions But Still Largely Unknown
Its therapeutic breathing and it's proving to be the most promising high blood pressure treatment since the development of modern medicine.
In fact, it's the first and only all-natural method clinically proven and recognized by the medical profession.
At least seven separate and independent clinical trials reveal that breathing slowly and deeply for 10 to 15 minutes a day can produce significant reductions in blood pressure.
Reductions as high as 36 points systolic and 20 points diastolic have been documented.
Averages vary depending on numerous factors, but virtually anyone with any degree of hypertension has something to gain from it.
Naturally, those with the highest pressure to begin with have the most to lose (or, rather: to gain!).
What's even more surprising is that lower blood pressure begins to last throughout the day after only 4 to 6 weeks practicing therapeutic breathing.
The result is a significant and lasting drop in your blood pressure.
Many users have been able to either reduce or eliminate their use of medications or even to avoid starting them altogether.
(Of course, any changes in medication must be under medical supervision.
) Results of the clinical trials have been published in numerous respected medical journals.
Also, therapeutic breathing is promoted and endorsed by leading medical organizations including Harvard Medical School, The Mayo Clinic, John Hopkins and The American Heart Association.
The technique involves breathing slowly and deeply at a rate of less than 10 breaths per minute for 10 to 15 minutes a day.
At the same time, exhalation is prolonged to approximately twice the length of inhalation.
These two changes together produce optimum breathing for lowering high blood pressure.
Therapeutic breathing, however, will not affect normal blood pressure.
Like most things that really work, the explanation is very simple: Breathing slowly and deeply relaxes muscle tension, especially in the chest area, which allows blood vessels to open up and relieve pressure on the heart.
It literally takes a load off your chest! This is the same mechanism targeted by drugs - but without any side effects.
Relaxation is the third essential element - no, the key element - sometimes overlooked.
The method is only beneficial when done in a state of deep relaxation.
This may sound easy but it's really very difficult, as anyone who's tried to relax while concentrating on breathing can confirm.
What's more, trying to use therapeutic breathing incorrectly can tense you up and actually increase your blood pressure.
Various methods have been developed to overcome this difficulty.
The most effective of these is called Breathing with Interactive Music.
This method uses music for relaxation while guiding your breathing into the so-called therapeutic zone.
Rarely has such an effective medical treatment been so easy and enjoyable! Yet, despite being hailed a breakthrough on national TV news networks and in major newspapers and magazines across the world, it still appears to be largely unknown.
Producers of the leading therapeutic breathing devices claim only tens of thousands of successful customers.
That may seem like a large number (and it certainly supports claims of effectiveness) but when you consider the tens of millions of hypertension sufferers in the US alone it's just a tiny fraction of the potential.
New developments apply this amazing method in even easier, more enjoyable and affordable ways.
Perhaps as the word slowly gets out about therapeutic breathing it will win the widespread recognition it deserves.
Even more importantly, it could prove to be the answer to the blood pressure worries of millions.
In fact, it's the first and only all-natural method clinically proven and recognized by the medical profession.
At least seven separate and independent clinical trials reveal that breathing slowly and deeply for 10 to 15 minutes a day can produce significant reductions in blood pressure.
Reductions as high as 36 points systolic and 20 points diastolic have been documented.
Averages vary depending on numerous factors, but virtually anyone with any degree of hypertension has something to gain from it.
Naturally, those with the highest pressure to begin with have the most to lose (or, rather: to gain!).
What's even more surprising is that lower blood pressure begins to last throughout the day after only 4 to 6 weeks practicing therapeutic breathing.
The result is a significant and lasting drop in your blood pressure.
Many users have been able to either reduce or eliminate their use of medications or even to avoid starting them altogether.
(Of course, any changes in medication must be under medical supervision.
) Results of the clinical trials have been published in numerous respected medical journals.
Also, therapeutic breathing is promoted and endorsed by leading medical organizations including Harvard Medical School, The Mayo Clinic, John Hopkins and The American Heart Association.
The technique involves breathing slowly and deeply at a rate of less than 10 breaths per minute for 10 to 15 minutes a day.
At the same time, exhalation is prolonged to approximately twice the length of inhalation.
These two changes together produce optimum breathing for lowering high blood pressure.
Therapeutic breathing, however, will not affect normal blood pressure.
Like most things that really work, the explanation is very simple: Breathing slowly and deeply relaxes muscle tension, especially in the chest area, which allows blood vessels to open up and relieve pressure on the heart.
It literally takes a load off your chest! This is the same mechanism targeted by drugs - but without any side effects.
Relaxation is the third essential element - no, the key element - sometimes overlooked.
The method is only beneficial when done in a state of deep relaxation.
This may sound easy but it's really very difficult, as anyone who's tried to relax while concentrating on breathing can confirm.
What's more, trying to use therapeutic breathing incorrectly can tense you up and actually increase your blood pressure.
Various methods have been developed to overcome this difficulty.
The most effective of these is called Breathing with Interactive Music.
This method uses music for relaxation while guiding your breathing into the so-called therapeutic zone.
Rarely has such an effective medical treatment been so easy and enjoyable! Yet, despite being hailed a breakthrough on national TV news networks and in major newspapers and magazines across the world, it still appears to be largely unknown.
Producers of the leading therapeutic breathing devices claim only tens of thousands of successful customers.
That may seem like a large number (and it certainly supports claims of effectiveness) but when you consider the tens of millions of hypertension sufferers in the US alone it's just a tiny fraction of the potential.
New developments apply this amazing method in even easier, more enjoyable and affordable ways.
Perhaps as the word slowly gets out about therapeutic breathing it will win the widespread recognition it deserves.
Even more importantly, it could prove to be the answer to the blood pressure worries of millions.