Health & Medical Hypertension

The Big High Blood Pressure Treatment Conspiracy

It is estimated that billions of dollars are spent on prescription medication yearly.
A large percentage of this money comes from persons trying to control the malady of high blood pressure.
Would you believe it if I told you that, much of the money spent by individuals suffering from hypertension is spent needlessly? Well, there is a school of thought out there that supports the notion that many people who fall victims to chronic illnesses like hypertension are being fleeced with their eyes wide open.
You see, it has been demonstrated repeatedly that high blood pressure in the majority of cases can be treated naturally if members of the medical profession were inclined to do so.
Instead, they appear to be contented writing heaps and heaps of prescriptions year on end while hypertension conditions persist and in some cases worsen.
This fact has led many to believe that there is wicked conspiracy orchestrated by stakeholders of the medical industrial complex designed to enslave unsuspecting individuals to the mercies of economically entangled healthcare organizations and medical professionals.
Needless to say, millions of persons struggle day after day, financially in particular, to control hypertension by way of prescription drugs.
Notwithstanding the fact that study, after study has shown that persons suffering from high blood pressure can effectively control this malady by simply engaging in a regimen of daily exercises.
But despite these findings, few members of the traditional medical field would recommend this option to their patients.
Obviously, prescription medications work faster than natural remedies, but unlike prescriptions natural remedies are void of the negative side effects.
However, researchers are reporting remarkable findings with natural remedies.
In several recent studies involving mind and body exercises, hypertensive subjects demonstrated positive effects comparable to those obtained in studies involving prescription medications.
Given that exercising is essentially free such recommendations will severely impact the bottom line of the giant medical multinational organizations.
Therefore, it is not likely that doctors and pharmacies would recommend this method to their patients especially if it is in fact true that they are party to the conspiracy to conceal these treatments for the sake of their own economics.
As supporters of natural remedies, it is absolutely necessary that we make a concerted effort to get the word out to as many persons using media such as this to effect change.
It is through these and similar exchanges that people will learn that many chronic ailments can be treated naturally.
Is there an organized conspiracy against the use of natural remedies? You be the judge and while you are at it, let us know what natural remedy your medical practitioner recommends.

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