How to Open a Hong Kong Company
- 1). Navigate to Hong Kong's Companies Registry website. Select English as your language preference to continue to the main website. Click the link titled "Public Forms" and then "Other Forms" to display the page containing entity formation forms. Download the form specific to the type of business entity you wish to create, your options include LLC, sole proprietor and public company.
- 2). Enter your company's unique name, physical address and each owner's contact information on the form. For a public company, include the type and amount of planned shares as well as the names of initial officers. Check the availability of your company name on the Companies Registry website.
- 3). Prepare additional documents required for filing. Public companies must submit two additional documents, an "Articles of Association" document and "Statement of Compliance" document. The entity formation form describes additional documents you need for your filing.
- 4). Calculate the filing fee by selecting the link titled "Details" on the "Public Forms" page of the Companies Registry website. As of 2010, companies with share capital owe a fee of $220 plus 12 cents for each $12 of share capital. Companies without share capital owe $21 if they have twenty-five members or less, $44 for fifty-one to one hundred members and an additional $3 for every fifty members beyond one hundred.
- 5). Mail the form and additional documents to the Companies Registry at the address listed on the form. The standard processing time is five to seven business days. The Companies Registry provides you with a "Certificate of Incorporation" once your company is successfully registered.