Health & Medical Anti Aging

Spider Veins: What You Need to Know

Spider veins are those small red and white lines reticulating across your legs or face.  Whether it's a cosmetic issue, a physical irritant or a more sinister danger, spider veins warrant treatment.

What Are Spider Veins?

More often than not, spider veins are simply an aesthetic annoyance.  They can make people keep their legs covered during the summer, hiding in their jeans off to the side of the swimming pool.  Due to their appearance, they can affect confidence levels, lowering self-esteem and making people more self-conscious of normal, everyday actions.

Although varicose veins tend to carry the most painful side effects, spider veins may also cause discomfort.  Some people experience itching and burning sensations around the affected areas, distracting from daily life.

Additionally, spider veins may point to more significant issues.  They may be the only visible sign of blood backup or varicose veins beneath the surface of the skin.  To discover the extent of your spider vein issues, ask your Austin dermatology clinic for an ultrasound.  The ultrasound will discover just how much vein damage is hidden from view.

What Causes Spider Veins?

Research has yet to determine the direct causes of spider veins.  However, some indicators suggest a higher likelihood of their development.
  • Genetics.  If your family has a history of spider veins, you're more likely to develop spider veins.
  • Gender.  Women suffer from spider veins more frequently than men.  Female hormones seem to affect spider veins; for example, in instances of puberty, pregnancy, hormone replacement therapy and birth control pills, spider veins can be more common.
  • Injury.
  • Sun Exposure.  Sun damage causes numerous skin conditions; it can also contribute to the formation of spider veins.
  • Obesity.  The more weight leg veins have to support, the more difficult circulation becomes.
  • Immobility.  The less you move, the more likely it is that spider veins will form.  If you have a job which requires a lot of standing still – teacher, hair stylist, nurse – or sitting still – secretary, office clerk, research assistant – try to take breaks and walk around whenever possible.

How Can I Prevent Spider Veins?

Unfortunately, there's no absolute guarantee against spider veins.  However, a few factors may help your chances of avoiding their development.  Support hose such as compression stockings can encourage blood flow.  Maintaining a healthy weight and exercising regularly maintains a regular circulation pattern.  Using sunscreen regularly reduces your chances of developing spider veins.

What Spider Vein Treatment Options Are Available?

Your Austin dermatology clinic offers a number of spider vein treatments, such as sclerotherapy and Endovenous Laser Treatment (EVLT).  For more information on which specific treatment option will best affect your spider veins, call Zimmet Vein & Dermatology.  Their qualified dermatologist and vein specialist, Dr. Zimmet, will prepare a personalized treatment plan for your particular condition. 

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