Health & Medical Anti Aging

Aging Skin Factors and Control

Aging skin is a condition that is impossible to avoid because, as you grow older and your body ages, so does your skin.
On the market today are countless products, treatments, and medications that claim to slow down or stop the aging skin process, promising you skin like a baby, but everyone knows that is impossible.
One of aging skins worst enemies is gravity, due to the skins weakened elastin fibers and collagen, which causes sagging skin and wrinkles.
Premature aging skin can be an inherited weakness or caused by environmental and external factors such as smog, gravity, sun exposure, repetitive facial expressions, and smoking.
Looking after and protecting your skin from an early age helps prevent or reduce wrinkles and other aging skin signs, as you grow older.
When going outside, always protect yourself from the suns rays, even on cloudy days.
Never sunbathe and try to keep out of direct sunlight during the hottest part of the day, which is usually between ten am and four pm.
Some aging skin problems traced directly to sun exposure over the years include cancer, age spots, leathery rough skin, face spider veins, a blotchy completion, loose skin, and fine wrinkles.
People with a history of sun exposure that have fair complexion usually develop more signs than darker-skinned people do.
With repeated sun exposure over a period of years, damage accumulates as the skin gradually loses the power to repair itself.
Because repeated exposure to UV rays impairs and breaks down collagen, skin also becomes leathery, wrinkled, and loose at a much earlier age.
It is important to apply sunscreen year round and wear protective clothing when outside during the day, such as long sleeves and a hat with wide brim.
The natural aging skin process known as intrinsic aging usually begins in peoples mid twenties and is a slow, continuous process where skin elastin has a little less snap, and collagen production slows.
There is a slight decrease in new skin cell turnover and the shedding of old, dead skin is a little slower but these intrinsic aging skin signs are not usually noticeable for decades.
As people age, some of the common intrinsic aging signs include itchy, dry skin; fine wrinkles; transparent, thin skin; loss of firmness in the neck and face areas; and underlying fat loss causing hollowed eye sockets and cheeks.
Person's genes also play a large part in their normal aging process including aging skin.
Along with establishing a good skin care regime, people should eat a healthy diet, exercise, and drink eight or more glasses of water daily.

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