Health & Medical Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids - Doing The Number 2 Without It Being A Hellish Experience For You

There are various medications as well as various hemorrhoids home remedies that can be used to alleviate the symptoms of hemorrhoids.
Since prevention is always the best way, here are some ways to ensure that when nature calls, you do not scream when you answer the call.
When the call of nature is answered, many people take the paper or magazine with them because they know that they will be straining and straining with little to no results.
This is not normal for the body and this straining may lead to stretched out and swollen veins in the rectum and anus that can prove very painful when heeding the call of nature.
This is a common condition that is known as hemorrhoids and many Americans will experience this torment each year.
Since most hemorrhoids result from this straining, a way to prevent them is to ensure that bowel movements become normal and without this straining and there are various hemorrhoids home remedies and a changes in behaviors that can help.
Hemorrhoids and Fiber Hemorrhoids home remedies are as simple as incorporating more fiber into your diet.
The daily fiber requirement is 25 grams but most Americans do not consume more than 12 grams daily which makes constipation a problem for many.
While fiber contains no nutritional value, it is very necessary in the body's process of elimination as it adds bulk and weight to stools thereby allowing them to be eliminated more quickly and easily.
There are many studies that show that those who consume a fiber rich diet are less likely to develop hemorrhoids that those who do not so "rough up" your diet.
While many avoid fiber because they think they will have to eat tasteless, heavy and dry food items that are not enjoyable, the good thing is that fiber comes in many different food types.
Many of the foods that we enjoy are a great source of fiber such as various fruits like blackberries, pureed avocado, apples, blackberries, kiwifruit, guavas, mangoes, raspberries, etc; legumes such as pinto beans, kidney beans, lentils, navy beans, etc; freshly baked breads that do not contain the word "enriched flour" in the ingredients, and so forth.
To get your daily fiber requirements, you simply need to ensure that you consume a mix of fiber rich fruits and vegetables (5 servings) and whole grain cereals, breads and legumes (6 servings) so that the digestive tract runs smoothly and all nature calls are answered without them being trips to hell.
Add Some Water To It Another of the easy hemorrhoids home remedies is to add water to your diet.
In order to process food, the digestive tract which is usually where most diseases in the body start, needs water and plenty of it to run smoothly.
When stools are dry, they become difficult to pass which can lead to straining and hemorrhoids.
Water makes stools easier to pass by making them heavy.
In combination with fiber which absorbs water like a sponge, constipation problems will be eliminated thereby reducing the risk of developing hemorrhoids.
Six to eight 8 ounce glasses of water are recommended on a daily basis in order to remain properly hydrated and help the digestive tract properly function.
Amongst the various hemorrhoids home remedies, this is certainly the easiest to start implementing in your daily life.
Adding Berries While ensuring that you remain hydrated and adding fiber may not cure all cases of hemorrhoids and constipation, strengthening the anal veins may be required.
One of the best hemorrhoids home remedies to strengthen anal veins includes adding various berries to your diet.
This is because berries such as blueberries, blackberries, cherries, etc, contain a compound known as proanthocynidins which helps in strengthening anal veins and capillaries which will prevent them from stretching too much when under pressure which will help to prevent hemorrhoids.
While you can eat the berries whole, berry juices that are more concentrated provide more benefits at strengthening anal veins.

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