Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

4Th Month Of Pregnancy (14-15-16-17 Weeks)

weeks of gestation 16-17-18-19

You begin the second trimester of your pregnancy, your belly begins to swell and you will begin to feel the baby move, the first movements are generally seen between the 15th and 22nd weeks of pregnancy
Your uterus grows and you can feel some contractions have ligaments that connect the uterus to the pelvic bones which are in tension or your uterine muscle that contracts and relaxes while belly hardens.
During this weeks 16, fundal height continues to grow and you can even feel a few contractions. Do not panic: it is your uterus prepares gently childbirth. By cons, if during the sixteenth weeks of pregnancy, this type of feeling is allowed to repeat, do not hesitate to speak with your gyn©cologue.

What's going on this stage of Pregnancy?

You will definitely need to urinate more often, a phenomenon due to the pressure of the uterus on your bladder, and you may be small bowel habits because your intestines would obviously less space and high progesterone production slows bowel, eat a lot of fiber and remember to drink regularly.
A mask of pregnancy may appear, it is characterized by brown spots on the face and blow that disappear after delivery.
What happiness feel so increasingly discernible movements Baby! Moreover, at this stage of your pregnancy, you do not spare: he moves and even gives kicks in spite of the fourth and fifth weeks when you can almost feel your pregnancy cause the baby didn't move yet! The fetus in 16 weeks measured 17 cm and weighs about 150 grams now the baby measures about 19 cm and weighs between 200 and 250 grams. Her hair, her nails start to grow, and blood vessels are now visible through her translucent skin.
How your baby develop?

In addition, remember in weeks 17 your future baby measured about 19 cm and weighs between 200 and 250 grams now his is in weeks 18 of the pregnancy, the baby measures about 20 cm and weighs about 250 grams his skin thickens gradually, her nails are in place and it even has its own fingerprint. The fetus also moves more. If you have not yet felt, it will not be long: it starts to give you a real kick
His first hair, her hair and nails begin to grow, their skin is transparent and allows to distinguish its small blood vessels.
His hands are also formed and proportioned body is better because the abdomen has caught up.
It moves a lot and you can feel the caress but also through your belly. Feel it because his senses grow, especially touch and taste.
In the eighteenth weeks of pregnancy, you're in great shape even though some may experience shortness of breath when you exercise more sustained physical or walking longer. Do not worry, your uterus is more space and is traced back to the navel. As for your diaphragm, it is a little less toned.
What are the Practical tips?

- It's time to make your second prenatal mandatory to check your blood pressure, your doctor will also check your cervix and the baby's heartbeat, you will serology against rubella and toxoplasmosis
- During this second visit exams will be offered to you in order to detect any abnormalities or genetic risk, but know that only 3% of fetuses exhibit a malformation. These examinations will not be performed if you are opposed to abortion.
- The risk of iron deficiency are more important from the second quarter
- It is not rare that traffic problems appear, then go cold water on your legs and put your feet up at night
- Notify the installation of stretch marks using creams and gels daily specific
- Avoid taking the car especially for long distance and instead opt for the train or plane, your baby is sensitive to vibrations and these means are much safer

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