Get Your Ex Back - Is Your Ex Thinking About You? (Force Them To!)
You'll never get your ex back if you sit there and do nothing.
You need to take action.
Do something that will force your ex to think about you.
WHAT? I hear ya.
It's not as difficult as you might think.
Now hear me out before you leave.
I'm serious! Think about this for just a moment.
Are you predictable? Now be honest with yourself.
If your answer is yes then do something unpredictable! It could be anything that will make your ex wonder what the heck is going on with you.
Go skydiving or bungee jumping.
Anything that would be considered off the wall for you and make sure that your ex knows about it.
No I don't mean jumping on a pogo stick in the middle of central avenue in a chicken suit...
although that would make your ex along with everyone else wonder about you! What I'm getting at is this.
Your ex knows you to be a certain way.
They most likely know your likes and dislikes.
If they find out you are stepping outside of your comfort zone without them, believe me they will begin wondering what's going on.
On top of this you can give yourself an attitude adjustment.
Rather than to be depressed and down in the dumps over the break up, put on a big smile even if it's forced and make the world wonder what you're up to.
I promise you your ex will find out about it soon enough.
You see the thing is, if you can force thoughts of you into the mind of your ex, you will gain some mental control over them without them ever realizing it.
Get them to think about you constantly and you've shifted the power to yourself.
This works especially well if they are the one that broke things off.
When you want to get your ex back this will put you in an awesome position.
You need to take action.
Do something that will force your ex to think about you.
WHAT? I hear ya.
It's not as difficult as you might think.
Now hear me out before you leave.
I'm serious! Think about this for just a moment.
Are you predictable? Now be honest with yourself.
If your answer is yes then do something unpredictable! It could be anything that will make your ex wonder what the heck is going on with you.
Go skydiving or bungee jumping.
Anything that would be considered off the wall for you and make sure that your ex knows about it.
No I don't mean jumping on a pogo stick in the middle of central avenue in a chicken suit...
although that would make your ex along with everyone else wonder about you! What I'm getting at is this.
Your ex knows you to be a certain way.
They most likely know your likes and dislikes.
If they find out you are stepping outside of your comfort zone without them, believe me they will begin wondering what's going on.
On top of this you can give yourself an attitude adjustment.
Rather than to be depressed and down in the dumps over the break up, put on a big smile even if it's forced and make the world wonder what you're up to.
I promise you your ex will find out about it soon enough.
You see the thing is, if you can force thoughts of you into the mind of your ex, you will gain some mental control over them without them ever realizing it.
Get them to think about you constantly and you've shifted the power to yourself.
This works especially well if they are the one that broke things off.
When you want to get your ex back this will put you in an awesome position.