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How to Profit from Essay Writing

Teachers love assigning essay writings. The funny thing is that they admit it easily. Moreover, they prepare you to be ready all the time, for it can pop up any minute. With at long list of requirements, or without any requirements and guidelines at all. And try as you might, you can not understand what the reasons for treating you so unfairly are?
From their side, teachers say that just one look at students that are unsatisfied with the assignment makes them feel grumpy. Come to think about it, teachers are not monsters at all. They (at least, most of them) admit that they try to understand students. Coming home after spending five hours at school just to give up three more hours on homework is not what they want you to do. You've got to give time to personal interests, and try to develop as an individual, and it's perfectly understandable. But there are important reasons why essay writing is as important, as any of your hobbies.
First of all, a teacher has to know how the material he gave you is understood. Very often essays are assigned after the lecturing is given. It is for your own benefit, actually, for you get a chance to go over your notes again. It means that the information will be repeated, and next time you will have fewer problems in class. If you have any questions, you will either look online to see how they can be answered, or call a friend and exchange notes. Probably, you will want to go to a teacher and ask him directly. Whichever way you prefer, you will only broaden your horizons and obtain some extra information that will be useful.
Another reason for giving an essay paper on materials used in class is for the teacher to receive proper feedback. When he reads essays, he realizes what can be improved in his manner of reading lectures, and what has to be repeated. It's his way to look at your understanding of the topic, some kind of a survey, if you wish. And it is definitely aimed at making your studying easier.
Apart from an opportunity of making a revision, essay papers are a great way for you to develop the ability to write. A lot of creative and talented people have a so-called writing block. The only way to manage with it is to write as much as you can. Sometimes teachers see the talent. But they notice confusion, too. The more essay writings they give you, the faster you get used to writing. With time you will forget about the problem you once had, and will enjoy the wonderful world that essay writing opens for you.
And how about creative and critical thinking skills? Nothing will teach you better, than essay papers. Each of them is a little challenge for you. Will you be able to generate some new ideas this time? How will you evaluate your work? Will you be able to catch your teacher's attention and earn one more A+? It is the very essence of life - staying in good shape all the time. And tutors only provide you with opportunities to prove it to yourself and to the people around you.
They also give you a chance to conduct personal researches and become an expert in different fields of knowledge. Regular researches develop the ability to judge the information critically, make your own conclusions, and double-check the facts. These skills are important not only in writing, but in an everyday life, as well. And when the paper comes back to you from revision, you are able to look at it analytically to see what can be improved next time.
As you can see, there are many reasons for giving you the essay writing assignment. This list can be continued, but is it necessary? The most important thing is that you learn not only to fulfill requirements properly. You need to understand that this is what you need. These skills will do you good in future, and the best thing you can do is to accept them.

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