My Yard Has Been Taken Over by Crabgrass
- 1). Apply pre-emergence herbicides such as corn gluten in very early spring before the crabgrass has germinated. Those without any combined fertilizer are the best. Water it in thoroughly after application.
- 2). Use post-emergent herbicides such as dithiopyr while the weeds are still young. Water the lawn well before applying and do not mow or water again for 24 hours. These work best on temperatures under 85 degrees F with clear skies and low humidity. A second application may be necessary.
- 3). Fertilize deeply and at the right times to create a dense lawn that chokes out all other plants. Grass benefits from late summer and late fall feeding after the weeds have disappeared.
- 4). Keep the lawn watered when necessary. A drought-stricken lawn will weaken, but the more tolerant crab grass will continue to thrive.
- 5). Mow at the correct height, taking no more than 1/3 the leaf blade. The mower should be set at 2.5 to 3.5 inches.
- 6). Protect all areas around gardens, walks and other open areas with mulch to prevent crabgrass from finding a home.