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Lily Pads Not Flowering


    • Lily pads are prolific and need to be divided at least once a year. Not dividing these plants causes overcrowding, which results in few blooms. Overcrowding also causes the plants to compete with one another for sunlight, and they will eventually become small, leggy plants. It is easier to divide lilies planted in pots rather than free-rooted.


    • Fertilize aquatic plants is difficult. Use a fertilizer made for ponds only. It is easy to over-fertilize a pond resulting in a large algae bloom. Using aquatic pond fertilizer tablets once a month during the growing season increases the number of blooms, as well as boosting the plants' overall health.


    • Lily pads require full sun to flower, at least six hours of direct sunlight a day. If these plants receive too much shade, they will not bloom and will become weak.

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