Law & Legal & Attorney Health Law

Definition of Weapons Possession & Drug Trafficking

    Weapons Possession

    • Weapons possession crimes may involve carrying a weapon without a proper permit, carrying an illegally modified weapon, or carrying a weapon with the intent to use it against someone. The laws may also apply in instances when someone has an unusually large number of weapons (the precise number depends on the area).

    Drug Trafficking

    • Drug trafficking crimes apply to cases in which someone is transporting large quantities of drugs and/or intends to sell them.


    • Penalties for drug trafficking depend on the type of drug and the quantity involved: The greater the amount and the more dangerous the drug, the stiffer the penalty. Weapons possession penalties are often regulated by individual states. Stiffer penalties apply to more dangerous weapons, greater amounts of weapons, and the use of weapons in other crimes.


    • Weapons possession and drug trafficking charges often appear in the same case because drug dealers often use weapons in an illegal manner against rivals or law enforcement officers.

    Stiffer Penalties

    • When drug trafficking and weapons possession are applied to the same case, it becomes easier to assign stiffer penalties. For example, it's easy to prove that someone selling drugs while carrying an illegal weapon intended to use that weapon against another person.

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