How to Convert 12V to 5V
Saturday, July/06/2019
- 1). Cut two pieces of electrical wire the length of the connection between your fuse box and the back of the stereo.
- 2). Strip 1/2 inch of covering off the end of each end of each wire with the electrical pliers.
- 3). Connect one end of the positive wire to the positive end of the fuse box terminal. Do the same with one end of the negative wire connecting it to the negative terminal.
- 4). Twist the open end of the positive wire to one lead of the first resistor. Twist the second resistor to the other lead of the first resistor. Continue this until all seven resistors are in place.
- 5). Connect the last free wire from the last resistor on the positive wire to the stereo. Connect the negative to the stereo as well. Each resistor will eliminate one volt from the charge reaching the end of the wire. In this case, there are seven resistors on a 12-volt line, leaving a total charge of 5 volts to reach the stereo.
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