The Fragmented Mind
A Course in Miracles (ACIM) is spiritual guidance using very clear psychotherapy and metaphysical principles.
When these are understood, and applied, they provide solutions to absolutely every situation in your life.
One of the key aspects of the metaphysical principles is that the mind is split and fragmented by the many judgments of the ego.
In ACIM, correction of the mind is forgiveness; and relinquishing judgments corrects these fragments and returns the mind to peace.
In this article, let's discuss how ACIM explains the split mind with the many judgments and fragments all pointing to one key judgment as a starting point.
The rest is just icing on the layered cake.
The ego is not as hard to overcome as the ego would have you believe.
It simply doesn't want you to know how it works because if you did, you could and would, choose against it.
That is death to the ego.
The Metaphysics of How the Mind Split: From ACIM, we know that a "tiny mad idea" entered the mind which split the mind between: (1) a part which remains with Knowledge; and, (2) a part that banished itself from Knowledge.
To simplify things, let's take it from the beginning to introduce this idea of the key judgment.
Imagine a diagram with an oval and lines dividing the levels of the mind as we're discussing them.
First, at the bottom of the oval, you have the non-conscious mind which is Knowledge, Heaven and Oneness, or all that is.
Everything here is one and there is nothing to choose between.
Now put a line just above this and we'll move to the next section.
Next is the super unconscious mind and in this part of the diagram, you would write in: God, Christ.
Notice we didn't say God "and/or" Christ as these are not two different things, nor are they separate.
They are the non-conscious mind (Knowledge, Heaven and Oneness) having the experience of itself.
Here's why from the Law of Creation in ACIM: You cannot create anything unlike yourself.
You love all your creations as yourself because the are like you.
All your creations remain a part of you.
Ideas do not leave their source (you).
The same rules apply to God.
Therefore, in these first two levels of the mind, everything: (1) is the same; (2) creates more of the same; (3) experiences the same; and, (4) all sameness stays with the same.
Now draw another line and this time, we'll introduce the split in the mind.
In the midst of this Oneness experience, a key thought (judgment) entered the mind that goes something like, "Hey, if I can see you, I must be separate.
" This could not be true because it violates the Law of Creation.
The problem is that judgment was listened to and believed and thus the ego's judgment, or the "tiny mad idea" takes root in the mind.
This line is the split in the mind or the original separation; however, in ACIM, it simply means "banished itself from knowledge," as judgment violates the Law of Creation.
Judgment is thinking what is not true about you, is not a part of you, not like you and can only make more judgments to hide itself.
If this were not true about judgment, then God could not exist and neither would you.
If God were judgment, and He could only create like Himself, then He would create more judgment so that He could have the experience of judging Himself.
That judgment of self remaining a part of Him would self-destruct Him as judgment is based in fear and guilt and wants to get rid of those feelings and kills to do so.
You would also be long dead because you would also be exactly like that.
Now you know why the mind can be returned to God as you are living proof of the Truth that judgment is not real.
The mind never left God.
It paid attention to judgment and can stop doing so at anytime.
It is knowing what not to pay attention to, i.
, what is a judgment? The ego comes up with a variety of things through the next three (3) levels of the mind, each with a line between them on our diagram.
These are merely projections (judgments) after they key judgment of things the ego wants believed to stay alive.
Here's a few of them: The Unconscious Mind sin - guilt - fear The Subconscious Mind special relationships - victimization - more judgments of others as separate - projections The Conscious Mind (thoughts and behaviors) victim/victimization - judgment - projection - addiction - grievances - hate - anger - war - specialness - death - forgive to destroy - sin - fear - guilt - special relationships - (self) interest - depression - vengeance - mindless - attack - kill or be killed - blame - opinions - beliefs - ideas - abundance - creation These are all the ego's version of reality.
Now let's discuss how the ego hides all the judgments by fragmenting them to keep you stuck in the illusion.
The Fragmented Mind: Fragments hide the magic act in darkness, or banishment.
Withdrawing all judgments is the only way to get out of the magic act.
This stops the focus on the sleight of hand so you can see the magic act itself and ultimately the trick in the mind.
The Trick: Judgment (key judgment projecting outward in conscious mind).
The Magic Act: Seeing this world as being real instead of based on ego judgments.
The Sleight of Hand: Judge everything and everyone in this world.
Let's use "sin" for our fragment example but remember that every one of the descriptive words above, plus others not listed, apply to this very same pattern of fragmentation: Judgment #1 will be sin, but there are various types of sin.
Judgment #2 is a sin to tell a lie.
Judgment #3 is telling a white lie.
Judgment #4 is telling a big lie.
Judgment #5 is telling an intentional lie.
Judgment #6 is telling an unintentional lie.
Judgment #7 is telling a mean lie.
Judgment #8 is telling a harmful lie.
Judgment #9 is telling a necessary lie.
Judgment #10 is telling a malicious lie.
You get the idea.
So on top of those, each one of them breaks down into categories of the types of whites lies, how big is the lie, or our many reasons for why we lied.
Before you know it, fragments of judgments become astronomical rather quickly.
Absolutely all judgment is based in fear and guilt from the split in the mind, or the key judgment, beginning in the unconscious mind just past the word "sin.
" All fragmentation excuses are merely judgments to hide this fear and guilt.
Got fear? Got guilt? That is the point of the ego.
It fragments the judgments so you won't look back to the cause: Judgment and having listened and believed to begin with.
The Way Out: This is where the rubber meets the road.
Either you believe you are stuck in this nightmare; or, you are willing to consider that there is a loving God who provided a solution on how to get out of all this.
"Why" is in the Law of Creation.
God cannot create anything unlike Himself, loves all as Himself, and everything is still with Him.
At the time of the separation, the only "error" wasn't an error but rather that we simply forgot to laugh at judgment because it isn't true about us.
Even now, that is the way out and it is never too late.
What is being asked of you is to stop acting on judgments and instead, see them for what they are; and then be willing to turn them over for correction of the mind which is forgiveness in A Course in Miracles.
Judgment is akin to someone closing the drapes to block the sun of God.
It doesn't stop the sun.
You have to stop closing the judgment drapes with more judgment.
The sun reappears because it is still there and always was there.
You have the ability to go home whenever you are willing and decide to give up any and all judgments.
Acknowledge judgments, relinquish them to the Holy Spirit Right Mind for correction of the mind (forgiveness).
That is part of the Atonement, the solution provided by the loving God where your mind still resides.
Atonement is salvation, correction of the mind, forgiveness, right-minded and true perception.
It is your purpose here: To correct the mind (forgiveness) and return home to all that is while still in a body.
Form (mind) is all that matters in A Course in Miracles.
When these are understood, and applied, they provide solutions to absolutely every situation in your life.
One of the key aspects of the metaphysical principles is that the mind is split and fragmented by the many judgments of the ego.
In ACIM, correction of the mind is forgiveness; and relinquishing judgments corrects these fragments and returns the mind to peace.
In this article, let's discuss how ACIM explains the split mind with the many judgments and fragments all pointing to one key judgment as a starting point.
The rest is just icing on the layered cake.
The ego is not as hard to overcome as the ego would have you believe.
It simply doesn't want you to know how it works because if you did, you could and would, choose against it.
That is death to the ego.
The Metaphysics of How the Mind Split: From ACIM, we know that a "tiny mad idea" entered the mind which split the mind between: (1) a part which remains with Knowledge; and, (2) a part that banished itself from Knowledge.
To simplify things, let's take it from the beginning to introduce this idea of the key judgment.
Imagine a diagram with an oval and lines dividing the levels of the mind as we're discussing them.
First, at the bottom of the oval, you have the non-conscious mind which is Knowledge, Heaven and Oneness, or all that is.
Everything here is one and there is nothing to choose between.
Now put a line just above this and we'll move to the next section.
Next is the super unconscious mind and in this part of the diagram, you would write in: God, Christ.
Notice we didn't say God "and/or" Christ as these are not two different things, nor are they separate.
They are the non-conscious mind (Knowledge, Heaven and Oneness) having the experience of itself.
Here's why from the Law of Creation in ACIM: You cannot create anything unlike yourself.
You love all your creations as yourself because the are like you.
All your creations remain a part of you.
Ideas do not leave their source (you).
The same rules apply to God.
Therefore, in these first two levels of the mind, everything: (1) is the same; (2) creates more of the same; (3) experiences the same; and, (4) all sameness stays with the same.
Now draw another line and this time, we'll introduce the split in the mind.
In the midst of this Oneness experience, a key thought (judgment) entered the mind that goes something like, "Hey, if I can see you, I must be separate.
" This could not be true because it violates the Law of Creation.
The problem is that judgment was listened to and believed and thus the ego's judgment, or the "tiny mad idea" takes root in the mind.
This line is the split in the mind or the original separation; however, in ACIM, it simply means "banished itself from knowledge," as judgment violates the Law of Creation.
Judgment is thinking what is not true about you, is not a part of you, not like you and can only make more judgments to hide itself.
If this were not true about judgment, then God could not exist and neither would you.
If God were judgment, and He could only create like Himself, then He would create more judgment so that He could have the experience of judging Himself.
That judgment of self remaining a part of Him would self-destruct Him as judgment is based in fear and guilt and wants to get rid of those feelings and kills to do so.
You would also be long dead because you would also be exactly like that.
Now you know why the mind can be returned to God as you are living proof of the Truth that judgment is not real.
The mind never left God.
It paid attention to judgment and can stop doing so at anytime.
It is knowing what not to pay attention to, i.
, what is a judgment? The ego comes up with a variety of things through the next three (3) levels of the mind, each with a line between them on our diagram.
These are merely projections (judgments) after they key judgment of things the ego wants believed to stay alive.
Here's a few of them: The Unconscious Mind sin - guilt - fear The Subconscious Mind special relationships - victimization - more judgments of others as separate - projections The Conscious Mind (thoughts and behaviors) victim/victimization - judgment - projection - addiction - grievances - hate - anger - war - specialness - death - forgive to destroy - sin - fear - guilt - special relationships - (self) interest - depression - vengeance - mindless - attack - kill or be killed - blame - opinions - beliefs - ideas - abundance - creation These are all the ego's version of reality.
Now let's discuss how the ego hides all the judgments by fragmenting them to keep you stuck in the illusion.
The Fragmented Mind: Fragments hide the magic act in darkness, or banishment.
Withdrawing all judgments is the only way to get out of the magic act.
This stops the focus on the sleight of hand so you can see the magic act itself and ultimately the trick in the mind.
The Trick: Judgment (key judgment projecting outward in conscious mind).
The Magic Act: Seeing this world as being real instead of based on ego judgments.
The Sleight of Hand: Judge everything and everyone in this world.
Let's use "sin" for our fragment example but remember that every one of the descriptive words above, plus others not listed, apply to this very same pattern of fragmentation: Judgment #1 will be sin, but there are various types of sin.
Judgment #2 is a sin to tell a lie.
Judgment #3 is telling a white lie.
Judgment #4 is telling a big lie.
Judgment #5 is telling an intentional lie.
Judgment #6 is telling an unintentional lie.
Judgment #7 is telling a mean lie.
Judgment #8 is telling a harmful lie.
Judgment #9 is telling a necessary lie.
Judgment #10 is telling a malicious lie.
You get the idea.
So on top of those, each one of them breaks down into categories of the types of whites lies, how big is the lie, or our many reasons for why we lied.
Before you know it, fragments of judgments become astronomical rather quickly.
Absolutely all judgment is based in fear and guilt from the split in the mind, or the key judgment, beginning in the unconscious mind just past the word "sin.
" All fragmentation excuses are merely judgments to hide this fear and guilt.
Got fear? Got guilt? That is the point of the ego.
It fragments the judgments so you won't look back to the cause: Judgment and having listened and believed to begin with.
The Way Out: This is where the rubber meets the road.
Either you believe you are stuck in this nightmare; or, you are willing to consider that there is a loving God who provided a solution on how to get out of all this.
"Why" is in the Law of Creation.
God cannot create anything unlike Himself, loves all as Himself, and everything is still with Him.
At the time of the separation, the only "error" wasn't an error but rather that we simply forgot to laugh at judgment because it isn't true about us.
Even now, that is the way out and it is never too late.
What is being asked of you is to stop acting on judgments and instead, see them for what they are; and then be willing to turn them over for correction of the mind which is forgiveness in A Course in Miracles.
Judgment is akin to someone closing the drapes to block the sun of God.
It doesn't stop the sun.
You have to stop closing the judgment drapes with more judgment.
The sun reappears because it is still there and always was there.
You have the ability to go home whenever you are willing and decide to give up any and all judgments.
Acknowledge judgments, relinquish them to the Holy Spirit Right Mind for correction of the mind (forgiveness).
That is part of the Atonement, the solution provided by the loving God where your mind still resides.
Atonement is salvation, correction of the mind, forgiveness, right-minded and true perception.
It is your purpose here: To correct the mind (forgiveness) and return home to all that is while still in a body.
Form (mind) is all that matters in A Course in Miracles.