Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Pregnancy Week 20 and Week 21

Hitting this milestone, women who are 20 weeks pregnant have reached the halfway marker.
There are only 20 more weeks to go until they welcome their babies to the world.
This time has certainly brought along a lot of changes, both good and bad.
But for the most part, the joys outweigh everything else.
At 20 weeks pregnant, you can expect your baby to have developed some new qualities.
Its skin has become more complex.
This is the phase where layering takes place.
Babies now have four layers of skin, and developing fingerprints.
With each week, changes become more and more apparent and structured.
During this phase, women who are 20 weeks pregnant notice a heavier feeling.
They've begun to pick up weight as well.
Your obstetrician will be monitoring the baby's size by measuring your tummy at each visit.
This is all in preparation for the big day which isn't as far off as it once was.
This is a good time to find out the sex of your unborn child, if you care to do so.
Right now, genitals have formed and can be seen by an ultrasound.
So, if you want to know whether to purchase more pink than blue, this week could be a good time to schedule an appointment with your doctor.
Some women at this point in pregnancy experience some changes that aren't so pleasant.
Abdominal itching has been noticed in women at this stage.
Physicians have been known to prescribe creams for relieving this problem.
Stretch marks may even be seen.
This is all a part of the body's way of transforming in preparation for delivery.
Finding comfort for women 20 weeks pregnant is often a difficult thing to do, particularly when trying to rest.
That just right position, is sometimes elusive.
However, products like pregnancy pillows can help.
These can be an asset to expectant mothers, whether they are lying down or simply watching television.
Women who are 21 weeks pregnant may notice some difference in their feelings.
Due to some shift in hormones, women have been known to experience a strong romantic desire.
Husbands be aware! This is another normal occurrence during pregnancy.
An expectant mom, who is 21 weeks pregnant, may have gained anywhere between ten and fourteen pounds.
Her body is preparing not only for the big day, but to promote the healthiest baby possible.
This is a great time for mothers to seek out childbirth classes.
These provide excellent tools for the delivery experience, and ease feelings of nervousness.
At 21 weeks pregnant moms will find that her baby is changing at an alarming rate.
The baby is now somewhere between ten and eleven ounces.
He or she has growing hair and is gaining fat reserves.
Even more amazing is the fact that little buds have sprouted, where permanent teeth will one day be.
Women during this period find themselves extremely focused on their baby and the desire to see it.
Planning for a nursery can provide a good distraction for moms.
It's also a good idea to continue to get fresh air and exercise.
Both of these are ways to promote both health and stress relief, which are necessary now.

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