Law & Legal & Attorney Family Law

How to Petition a Court to Open Adoption Records


    • 1). Find out in which court your adoption files are located, as this is the court you will need to be petitioning. The name and location of the court can most likely be found on finalized copies of your adoption papers.

    • 2). Visit the court and ask which forms need to be filled out in order to file a petition to open your adoption records. Take all relevant information with you when filing the forms out; birth certificate and adoption records on hand. If you feel more comfortable using a lawyer, you may, although it is not usually necessary.

    • 3). Fill out the court forms fully and truthfully. They will most likely ask why you want your adoption files opened. State your reason in a written response and include this with the forms. Return all forms and statements to the court office.

    • 4). At the hearing, a judge will decide to keep your records closed or to open them. A judge can also decide to partially open your records, providing you with non-identifying information. This can be helpful in the event that you are looking for medical information in your family history ,but not necessarily identifying information as to your biological family. If you appear in person before a judge at your hearing, you might bolster your chances at obtaining the records you desire, as a judge can ask questions.

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