Law & Legal & Attorney Family Law

How to Change Names Due to Marriage

    • 1). Notify the Social Security Administration of your name change using Form SS-5, which is found on the SSA website. The SSA will accept a copy of your marriage certificate as proof of a justifiable name change from the court. Fill out the form and mail or take it to your local Social Security office. You will not be able to change your name on other important documents without first notifying the SSA and receiving your new Social Security Card. The SSA also notifies the Internal Revenue Service of your name change.

    • 2). Visit the Department of Motor Vehicles. Provide the clerk with a copy of your marriage license and new Social Security card. Some states require additional documents, so check with your state's DMV before driving down and waiting in line. The DMV will change the name on your driver’s license, voter registration and vehicle registration all at once.

    • 3). Notify your financial institutions, including your bank, your mortgage company or landlord, your credit card companies and your insurance companies. Your employer needs to be notified of your name change as well as your utility companies. If you have a passport you will need to apply for a new one.

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