Technology Technology

How to Address an Envelope

With the arrival of the internet, the fashion of sending letters to relative and friends stopped.
Letters were replaced by emails.
However, business letters are still used for official purposes.
With this, the need to learn addressing an envelope arises.
If proper care is taken in addressing an envelope, the letter will reach its correct destination in time.
The business envelope is the first impression of the sender in the eyes of the receiver.
While addressing an envelope, professional business manners are important and are also an important part of communication.
Things Needed: -Envelope -Address -Pen -Stamp First, address an envelope Steps: Step 1: The address is to be written neatly on the upper left hand corner of the envelope.
Step 2: The name of the sender and/or the company is to be written in the first line of the address.
Step 3: Write the address of the street and the number of the apartment or office along with post office box number in the second line of the address.
Step 4: The mail stop numbers have to be added when sending the letter to a big company.
This is done for the mail distribution when the number of the office or apartment is written in the second line.
Step 5: The name of the city is to be written and then the name of the state and the zip code in the third line of the address.
Step 6: In the fourth line of the address, write the name of the country.
Step 7: Write the mailing address in the correct order in the centre of the envelope.
Step 8: Paste the postage stamp on the upper right hand corner of the envelope.
Stamp has to be properly pasted on the same side of the envelope where the address is written.
Tips: It should be ensured that the zip code is mentioned because this will make the delivery quicker and easier.
The complete name of the person should be written in order to avoid any kind of confusion.
Caution: Before writing the address, it should be made sure that it is complete and correct.
It should be written before putting the contents of the envelope inside.
Water proof sink should be used and the address should be neatly written so that anyone can understand.
Tape should not be put over the stamp as the processing equipment will not be able to read it and because of this the letter will be returned.

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