Health & Medical Yoga

Develop Your Own Meditation Style

The word meditation is used by numerous people to mean many different things.
Everyone seems to be meditating on something.
A number of religions teach some form of meditation, teachers want students to meditate on their lessons, hypnotists tell people to meditate to achieve specific goals, and there are also New Age forms of mediation.
So when people discuss about meditating, exactly what are they talking about? Meaning of Meditation One definition of meditation is constant thought, reflection or contemplation.
This description gives you a pretty wide open boundary as to what is actually considered meditation.
There appears to be no limitations as to what you are permitted to reflect on, think about, or contemplate for it to be considered meditation.
Some people define meditation as "devout religious thought or spiritual introspection".
This definition seems to limit your contemplation and internal thought to that of spiritual matters.
Still one priest defined meditation as constant mulling over of a specific religious scripture, verse, or idea in much the same manner that a cow chews its cud over and over again.
While the example is less than tasteful, the point is understood.
Some people believe that day dreaming is a kind of meditation.
Most experts do not believe that day dreaming is meditation for a couple of reasons.
First and foremost, day dreaming does not seem to achieve the same benefits as meditation.
In addition, day dreaming is usually not done consciously.
The general connotation people have of meditation is that the the result of this activity should be reduction in stress and anxiety.
This ideal seems to put more limitations on what thoughts can be concentrated on than any of the official definitions.
Methods of Meditation Methods of meditation appear to vary as much as the definition for that topic.
What people choose to do when they meditate varies from subtle and almost unnoticeable to extreme and bizarre.
Some of those methods include: *Quiet - Some people just sit calmly to think about a certain topic which they choose to make them feel relaxed.
This is one of those subtle methods such that a stranger passing by will be completely unaware of the meditation taking place.
*Humming - Some people choose to hum while they meditate.
This is considered by some to help clear the mind.
*Mantra - Other people use mantra, a form of chanting a particular word or phrase, as a means of focusing their thoughts into a beneficial direction.
*Visual Focusing - Another widespread practice is to focus on an object such as a candle.
This has been considered by some as a form of hypnotism.
While some people will tell you that meditation is a way in which to empty or clear the mind that may be only the first step.
This is because by every shape of the definition meditation seems to require thought or reflection.
As a matter of fact, it is even assumed that it involves deep thought.
So, clearing your mind of other thoughts before focusing your thoughts on the predetermined subject matter will result in better focus.
Benefits of Meditation There are a number of benefits that come with meditation.
One of the main goals is to reduce stress.
This reduction impacts the person's heath in many positive ways.
Benefits of lower stress include control on blood pressure, improved hearth health, better sleep and mental clarity.
Since a majority of health problems can be linked to stress therefore a reduction in stress certainly improves your well being in a number of ways.
Determining the methods of meditation that are most beneficial to you may take some trial and error.
Deciding what works, what you are comfortable with and what your focus should be will be the steps that determines your personal meditation style.
It is natural for your meditation style to change over time - just like your lifestyle.
Whatever technique you select, the long term advantages to your physical and mental health are sure to be positive and well-worth the time it takes to develop your meditation style.

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