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Appreciate a Dragon Day

Appreciate a Dragon Day

Appreciate a Dragon Day is celebrated every year on January 16 and Although it might initially sound a little silly, this special day actually has an important premise behind it!

This day was created in 2004 by the author Donita K. Paul, to celebrate the release of her first book in the Dragon Keepers series. She has since gone on to write five books in the series, as well as other dragon novels.

The spirit of Appreciate a Dragon Day is to get kids involved in literacy, art and reading.

The main aim is for children to choose a favourite dragon from literature and get creative - read about them, write about them, draw them, paint them, make them - all kinds!

How in the world can you appreciate a dragon? After all, they're not your average cute and cuddly animal. According to many stories, they would sooner burn you to a crisp with one breath of fire than be your buddy. 

Powerful, majestic, and definitely not always bad, dragons are beautiful and amazing creatures that inspire writers, artists and many others. From Puff the Magic Dragon, to Dungeons & Dragons, fantasy dragon art, to cute cartoon dragons, fire-breathing leviathans, to incredible dancing Chinese dragons, there is a dragon for everyone.

So, on January 16, get children to choose their favorite dragon from literature (think Puff the Magic dragon for little ones, for example, or Saphira from Eragon for older readers) and then ask them to share that dragon in some artistic form. They could write a story or poem, create a picture or any other number of imaginative projects.

You can also get them reading a favorite dragon book, or help them choose a new one.  Just be sure to have some "fire-breathing fun."

Page 1 - Dragon Day

Page 2 - Mother Dragon And Her Babies

Page 3 - Riding On The Friendly Dragon

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Page 1 - Dragon Day

Page 2 - Mother Dragon And Her Babies

Page 3 - Riding On The Friendly Dragon

Page 1 - Dragon Day

Page 2 - Mother Dragon And Her Babies

Page 3 - Riding On The Friendly Dragon

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