Health & Medical Hypertension

Salt and Hypertension - Part 2

Why is salt so important? Life depends on it - it is an essential nutrient.
Humans are made up of between 50 and 75% water and of between 14grams of salt (for a baby) and 250 grams of salt for an adult male.
It is by these saline fluids that crucial bodily functions take place -- such as metabolism, transportation of nutrients and the removal of substances no longer needed by the body.
The body cannot make salt, so we are reliant on food to provide it.
A healthy body processes just the amount of salt it needs and the kidneys dispose of any surplus.
People who eat refined table salt develop a craving for salt, because the salt that they eat is not satisfying their needs.
Then they eat more and more salt in a desperate try to get what they need.
When you eat out in a restaurant or fast food joint, after cooking with natural unrefined ocean sea salt at home, you will be surprised at how thirsty you get after eating the restaurant food.
Nature knows best.
A complete salt with all its natural minerals and trace minerals, is best for your health and your blood pressure.
A recent medicalreport claims that people who eat the least amount of salt have a higher risk of an untimely death.
And nutritionists are discovering that minerals which exist in salt that is refined by ancient methods and sun dried can contain up to 16% of its content in trace minerals and salts other than sodium chloride.
Specifically magnesium and potassium are important in the case of hypertension.
Potassium deficiency is a prime suspect amongst nutritionists as the main cause of hypertension.
Many nutritionists treat high blood pressure with essential minerals and trace elements, and they have just as good results as the doctor prescribed and expensive hypertensive drugs, and withoutthe side effects of the drugs.
Some vital functions of salt in the body 1.
Salt is most effective in stabilizing heartbeats and it actually is essential for the regulation of blood pressure.
Salt is vital to the extraction of excess acidity from the cells in the body, especially brain cells.
Salt is vital for balancing the sugar levels in the blood - important for diabetics.
Salt is vital for generating hydroelectric energy in the cells of the body.
Salt is vital for cell to dell communication in the body.
Salt is vital for absorption of food particles through the intestinal tract.
Salt is vital for the clearance of mucus plugs in the lungs, especially in asthma and cystic fibrosis.
Salt is essential for clearing up congestion in the sinuses.
Salt is a strong natural antihistamine.
Salt is essential for the treatment and prevention of muscle cramps.
Salt is essential to making the structure of the bones firm.
Osteoporosis is a result of water and salt deficiency in the body.
Salt is vital for maintaining sexuality and libido.
Salt is vital for preventing varicose veins and spider veins on the legs and thighs.
Salt is vital to the communication and information processing nerve cells the entire time that the brain cells work, from conception to death.
Conclusion: A good unrefined ocean salt, with natural minerals and trace minerals is essential for good health.
Treating hypertension with drugs and a low salt diet is not a good idea.
If you must eat in restaurants, and don't have access to a good unrefined ocean salt, be sure to take a good complete mineral and trace mineral supplement to attempt to make up for the loss of these elements when you eat refined white table salt.
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