Health & Medical Mental Health

Initial and Secondary Head Impact Needs Concussion Treatment

Human brain is so powerful that it can produce ideas that make us go forward and live in this highly technological world. With the great things it could produce, ironically, it is very fragile. Concussion could happen to anyone so we should always be preventive so that we could not get the risks of having brain injury symptoms.

Initial and secondary head impacts are called as coup and countercoup injuries in the medical field. When your head experienced a heavy blow or head bang, the movement of the brain is affected. The after effect of heavy blow will cause the brain to have rotational movements due to the impact. It then creates a certain inner force that will make the brain to have contact with the inner petrous and ridges of the inner skull. This kind of movement is very harmful because the impact can create bruises. Bruises inside the brain are called contusion€"it could trigger the dying out of the tissues and cells in the grey matter.

With the initial blow, the brain will suddenly have a contact to the inner skull. After that, it will be followed by a bounce back impact as a form of an aftershock like what we have during earthquakes. The sudden effect of the impact is pain and headache. The more harmful effect of concussion is the secondary injury because it is internal€"it affects the tissues and the cells of your brain. If the casualty is massive, you are in danger because you might end up losing your memory. If the tissues are affected, long term memory lose is very possible. It could also alter the behavior of a person especially his/her capability to respond properly into some commands. A person with a brain injury is prone to depression and emotional outbursts.

As soon as possible, a concussion victim should be aided with necessary medication to avoid falling into a more severe symptom. The best way to aid a person is have him/her checked by an expert specialized in brain damaged and concussion.

Concussion treatment is a necessary measure if the secondary head impact is no longer bearable. Usually, mild concussion could be healed after ten days but the patient should need a very good rest and of course, an extra handle with care.

Concussion victims will usually feel okay after the incident but they should watch out for the internal effects because it can go unnoticed. Make sure that you are well examined, call the best concussion experts and if necessary, undergo a concussion treatment.

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