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How Do I Determine the Size of a Canvas Boat Cover Snap?

    Button and Screw-Stud Fasteners

    • 1). Place the jaws of a digital micrometer -- the anvil and the spindle -- around the post of the eyelet (the bottom part of the button -- the only part of the snap that's visible when the snap is in use). Turn the micrometer’s ratchet until the spindle -- the moving part of the micrometer’s jaw -- meets the post.

    • 2). Visually inspect the micrometer's position to ensure the post is centered between the ratchet and spindle. Turn the micrometers ratchet until you hear three quiet “click” sounds; inspect the micrometer to verify that the eyelet post is centered in the micrometer’s jaws.

    • 3). Move the lever of the thimble lock to lock the spindle in place. Remove the eyelet. Read the size of the post on the digital micrometer’s display.

    • 4). Repeat the process for the shank of the stud -- the bottom part of the snap into which you press the button.

    Dot and Adhesive Snap Fasteners

    • 1). Lay a machinists' rule over the surface of fastener, so the "0" mark of the rule is the edge of the snap.

    • 2). Move the machinists rule so that the rule crosses the widest part of the snap, while the "0" mark remains on the edge of the snap.

    • 3). Read the width of the widest part of the snap from the machinists' rule.

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