Law & Legal & Attorney Contract Law

How to Make a Counterclaim to a Lawsuit

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      Submit your complaint at the same court where you submitted your answer.Hemera Technologies/ Images

      Visit the small claims court where the case brought against you was originally filed, and request a complaint form. Include your name and contact information as well as the plaintiff's on the complaint form. State the reason you are filing the counterclaim, and write the amount of monetary compensation you are seeking from the plaintiff. Sign the completed complaint in the presence of a court clerk or another notary public, and request that the notary sign and notarize your complaint. Make two copies of the counterclaim and submit the original counterclaim to the court.

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      You should only speak to the plaintiff's attorney, if he has one.Pixland/Pixland/Getty Images

      Deliver by mail or in person a copy of the counterclaim you are filing against the plaintiff to the plaintiff or the plaintiff's attorney. Use first class or certified mail if sending the counterclaim, and obtain a receipt as proof of delivery for your records. Wait for a response from the plaintiff concerning your counterclaim. Begin collecting evidence to support your case and to refute any arguments the plaintiff may submit to you in his answer to your counterclaim.

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      Witnesses can greatly help your case if they also have documented facts to submit.Stockbyte/Stockbyte/Getty Images

      Collect evidence, such as contracts or agreements that you and the plaintiff originally agreed upon, photographic evidence, letters or emails sent between you and the plaintiff or any other document you can bring to court to prove why the judge should rule in favor of your counterclaim. Bring witnesses with you to the hearing, as written witness testimony may or may not be accepted in court.

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      The judge can only rule based on the evidence that is presented in court.Stockbyte/Stockbyte/Getty Images

      Attend the hearing as it was originally scheduled for the initial lawsuit. Bring all of your evidence and witnesses with you for your counterclaim, as you will most likely present your counterclaim at the initially scheduled hearing as well. When asked by the judge, present your counterclaim to the court. Submit all evidence and information you may have to the judge at this time. Allow the judge to deliberate over your evidence and the plaintiff's evidence, and wait for the judge's verdict.

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