Pets & Animal Exotic Pets

How Much Do Ferrets Cost? The Big Picture Exposed

When I first purchased my ferret, I had no idea how much it was actually going to cost.
I initially bought the ferret for somewhere around $90.
The cage, I paid about $100 for, but it was a very small cage.
The ferret was a baby at the time, and I had no idea how large it would grow.
As it turned out, my initial investment was not enough.
It turns out that when one asks 'how much do ferrets cost', it is really a matter of preference.
How comfortable do you want your ferret to be? Do you want to spend the $250 per year on good food? Do you want you ferret to have adequate room to move around? If so, then you might want to spend a little more on a cage.
I personally spent about $500 on my cage, and my ferret has plenty of room to move.
Let me tell you, these are VERY energetic little creatures!They need all the room they can get.
So how much do ferrets cost? Really? You will pay for the vaccinations, which will cost somewhere in the neighborhood of $75, but luckily that doesn't need to be done every day.
In addition to that you will need to spend money on the cage, and of course you will need to buy ferret toys.
Buying the ferret is expensive, but when you ask how much do ferrets cost, and come up with around $700 per year, you have to ask yourself if you can afford it.
If you can, you will have an enjoyable companion for a number of years.
I know I've enjoyed my ferret!

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