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More Info on Hermit Crab Food

Answering the nutritional needs of the hermit crab is an essential criterion for proper care of the little crab.
However, since this creature is largely omnivorous and has a great variety of food choices, so the food and water supply for the crabs is not a problematic issue at all.
The only care that should be taken is that the hermit crab food and water must not contain any toxic or choking elements in them.
Another special point to remember is that the land crabs require special nutritional care during the molting phase.
An understanding of the feeding behavior of the crabs is essential in deciding the food for the crabs.
First of all, this creature does not eat when he is not hungry.
The crab then may play with the food with his antennae and claws but will not take a bite of the food.
When they are not hungry, these creatures should not be provided with excess food because the spoilt food will make the enclosure untidy.
The reverse of this behavior is observed when this creature is preparing for molting or is plainly very hungry.
The crab will then eat voraciously and prepare for the molting stage.
Molting is a kind of hibernation for these creatures and they very rarely eat during this time.
During molting, the crab especially prefers a diet of vegetables and fruits rich in calcium and carotenoids.
The shed exoskeleton is also a favorite diet of the hermit crabs, as the exoskeleton is rich in calcium and chitin.
When you have set isolation for the molting crab, do not forget to provide freshwater and fresh food for the molting crab to eat privately (the molting crabs generally come out in the privacy of night to eat and drink).
Land hermit crabs also require freshwater for their nutrition.
In fact, the land crabs bathe in a salt water container and drink their freshwater from another container.
It is amazing and intriguing to see land-crab drink water by picking the water carefully on his claws and then letting the water roll down to his gills and the mouth.
The freshwater provided to these crabs must always be dechlorinated.
The pet store can also be an excellent source of acquiring good food for these creatures.
Although there may not be any exclusive hermit crab food, yet the crabs being omnivorous, this problem is automatically solved.
What you have to do is to search in the bird and fish enclosure of the pet store and get the hermit crab food that you think the little hermit will like to eat.
The zooplanktons, coral deposits, cuttlebones, fish flakes and crushed oyster shells are favorite foods for these creatures.
You can also provide the crustaceans with the vitamin-calcium supplements that are found in pet stores.
However, remember to crush the food before giving it to the crabs.
The household can also be a supply house of great hermit crab food.
A particular delicacy is crushed egg shells that these creatures love to munch upon.
The crab favors all kinds of vegetables and fruits, especially those that are rich in calcium and carotenoids.
The vegetables and fruits must be chipped to small pieces before giving them to these crabs.
Other delicacies preferred by the crabs are unsalted nuts, raisins, leaves, popcorns and grass.
You can easily make friends with the hermit crab by offering them the food delicacy directly from your hand.

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