Health & Medical Anti Aging

Your Best Wrinkle Skin Care - What Should You Know?

Ever wonder what kind of wrinkle skin care will keep your skin smooth? It seems there are hundreds of products on the market advertising they're the best wrinkle remover cream but what really works? The truth is you have to educate yourself a bit and know what ingredients are actually effective at removing wrinkles.
Three years ago I started researching skin care and discovered there are a handful of proven ingredients that you'll want in your wrinkle skin care arsenal.
Basically, a wrinkle remover cream should do three things: - Rebuild your collagen and elastin cells - "Feed" your skin antioxidants - Moisturize your skin Rebuild Collagen and Elastin You probably already know how important your collagen and elastin cells are.
They give your skin structure.
Collagen is the "cushion" between your bones and your epidermis.
As you age, your body doesn't make as much of these cells resulting in sagging skin and wrinkles.
Elastin works with collagen to give your skin "elasticity" which allows you to rub your face and have your skin "bounce" back to it's rightful place.
And you may have seen those "collagen enriched" wrinkle remover creams in the store.
Don't be duped! Scientists have proven your body can't absorb collagen that is put on your skin.
The particles are too large.
Your body be encouraged to make more collagen however with the right ingredients.
These are what you want to look for in your wrinkle skin care.
Why Antioxidants? Antioxidants are also very important in keeping your skin looking smooth and vibrant.
You can eat more of them in your diet with lots of fruits and veggies, but you can also find them in your skin care.
Antioxidants are your body's natural defense against free radicals in the environment.
They protect you from premature aging.
While you get antioxidants in your foods, your body also produces them naturally.
But, like collagen and elastin, your body doesn't make as many of them as you age.
Moisturize, Moisturize, Moisturize Moisture is very important in keeping your wrinkle remover cream.
A quality moisturizer will keep your skin hydrated and prevent wrinkles.
So, what are the effective ingredients to look for in your wrinkle skin care? 1 - Phytessence Wakame is one of the most powerful ingredients you can use.
It strengthens your existing collagen and elastin cells, Is a potent antioxidant, A strong moisturizer 2 - Cynergy TK helps your body make more of those important collagen and elastin cells.
In fact, volunteers noticed a 42% increase in skin elasticity after just 18 days of using a wrinkle remover cream with this ingredient.
3 - Vitamin E is another powerful antioxidant that plumps up wrinkles and fine lines.
It's an essential part of any wrinkle skin care regimen.
Now that you know the key ingredients in a wrinkle remover cream, what are you waiting for? Visit my website today for more anti aging ingredients and enjoy firmer, smoother skin just weeks from now.

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