Pets & Animal Pets Cats

How to Remove Hair From Cats

    • 1). Groom your cat properly to prevent the problem at the source. Purchase tools made especially for grooming cats from your local pet store, like a slicker brush, which is a brush designed to remove excess fur from the undercoat and prevent shedding. Brush your cat daily and dispose of the cat hair you remove from your pet.

    • 2). Purchase a lint roller or a special pet hair removal tool with a sticky surface from your local pet store. Apply the roller or tool to each surface in your home where car hair is a problem, such as couches, chairs, clothing, and bedding. Tear off used sheets frequently from the lint roller as you go over each surface for maximum efficiency. Remove couch cushions and all other furniture parts and pieces that you can move to get under and in between crevices where cat hair may be hiding.

    • 3). Vacuum and sweep daily. Use your vacuum on all upholstery in your house after you have used your lint roller or other tools to get the deeply embedded cat hair out from your furniture. Sweep bare floors daily to keep stray cat hair from building up. Use a vacuum in the corners of bare floors to remove clumps of cat hair that gather there. Vacuum rooms with carpet in their entirety daily as well.

    • 4). Buy a cat bed and encourage your cat to use it. Put food, water, or treats near the bed to train your cat to sleep there. Keep your cat on the bed instead of your furniture to prevent shedding that you will have to clean later. Use your sticky tools and vacuum to keep the cat bed free of loose cat hair as well.

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