Starting Out Young: A Few Tips On Puppy Stage Dog Training
One of man's best companions since the beginning of time have been dogs. We have used and bred dogs for every possible purpose that an animal that size can have. We have trained them to be shepherds, to drag our carts, to scare away intruders, to fight for us, to be with us when we're down, to be our jogging and hunting partners. The list is endless and there is probably very few things in the world that we have not asked to do.
But when you get a dog you'll see that they don't exactly come to your doorstep as obedient and loving lapdogs. They like all of the animals man has partnered himself to, from the horse to the elephant, needs to be trained in order to maximize their unique abilities. But how do you train a dog? You could opt to buy that expensive video or book, only to discover that they almost all point to the same direction anyway.
The most basic way to train your dog is to train them when they're young. It is common in everything from people to chimpanzees that an early training and inculcation goes a long way when trying to keep your pet or child in line and to teach them wrong from right. One of the best ways to start with these little bundles of energy is to begin to assure them who their master is. The trainer or master should be there especially in the first six months of its life.
The personality of a puppy would definitely be affected by what kind of breed of dog it is. So expect such dogs as Labrador Retrievers to be friendly and eager while dogs such as Weimaraners would be more headstrong and independent. Other dogs may exhibit herding or flushing instincts such as the shepherds and the terriers. So starting early is one of the best ways to ensure that a dog develops into what you want it to be.
The training process however is long and arduous. Starting young is only the beginning.
But when you get a dog you'll see that they don't exactly come to your doorstep as obedient and loving lapdogs. They like all of the animals man has partnered himself to, from the horse to the elephant, needs to be trained in order to maximize their unique abilities. But how do you train a dog? You could opt to buy that expensive video or book, only to discover that they almost all point to the same direction anyway.
The most basic way to train your dog is to train them when they're young. It is common in everything from people to chimpanzees that an early training and inculcation goes a long way when trying to keep your pet or child in line and to teach them wrong from right. One of the best ways to start with these little bundles of energy is to begin to assure them who their master is. The trainer or master should be there especially in the first six months of its life.
The personality of a puppy would definitely be affected by what kind of breed of dog it is. So expect such dogs as Labrador Retrievers to be friendly and eager while dogs such as Weimaraners would be more headstrong and independent. Other dogs may exhibit herding or flushing instincts such as the shepherds and the terriers. So starting early is one of the best ways to ensure that a dog develops into what you want it to be.
The training process however is long and arduous. Starting young is only the beginning.