Travel & Places Outdoors

Snow Shovelling And Snow Survival Tips

Snow Shovelling Activities Snow activities like snow shovelling are very popular in winter.
Participants Safety should not be overlooked.
Though Snow Shovelling is mainly a winter activity it can either be taken as a sport or as an essential activity.
It becomes a necessary activity when weather or festival need requires it like for Christmas Santa's sleigh ride.
Most common activities on snow are mainly sport related and are common to all ages but survival ones are more appropriate for adults.
Snow activities range from snowball fights and games, making snowman, skating, snowboarding, skiing, and over Christmas possibly Santa Claus very own sleigh games.
Amongst the dangers associated with snow, there lies a big risk associated with snow shovelling.
Most people tend to overlook the risk mobilising can bring about.
On surface, snow appears harmless.
The problem is created by this assumption and a would be participant may end up in hospital.
A ground of snow may on surface appear fluffy but beneath it maybe solid ice and hence very dangerous.
Continuous mobilising activity will cause excessive strain on the muscles, however this may not be a big problem for those who do heavy exercise regularly.
The most common problem relates to strain to chest muscles.
This makes snow activities extremely dangerous especially to people with an underlying medical problem like heart disease, high blood pressure and also those with respiratory system problems.
To be safe in carrying out this activity, its important to have the right tools/snow survival kit.
This includes stable tools or equipments which are well maintained.
Most importantly decide whether activity is really necessary necessary, if so do risk assessment first.
Other alternatives should be be sought first as snow related activity can indeed be dangerous activity.
Avoid activities you are not familiar with unless you have some supervision .
This is because the snow may slide as a huge block which is out of control and may fall on those nearby.
Ice safety need to be addressed when give way blocks leave you you helpless .
Its important to be aware of other dangers like frostbite.
Proper attire ought to be worn, preferably made from wool, and waterproof or something similar.
Where young ones are involved, a responsible adult should supervise the activity.
Signs of possible extreme cold would be a flushed face, red nose, and possibly runny nose.
If this is observed, participants should take a break and go indoors for warm up.
Where actual medical emergency arises, appropriate action should be taken.
Adults maybe reluctant to take a break especially when they experience chest pain.
This may be pain caused by the strain of the snow shoveling activity.
It maybe an onset of heart related chest pain.
It's adviserble to call your GP if possible l an ambulance.
Other possible problems relate to falls on slippery surface.
A fracture maybe sustained.
In such instances its adversible to wait for medical assistance.
Unless you have the know how and imobilising appliances, do not attempt to move.

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