Travel & Places Outdoors

Youth Archery Bows

Finding the Proper Youth Archery Bows for Your Child

It is important that you consider several factors when selecting youth archery bows for your child or they could become quickly discouraged, because they are unable to ever hit the target. Even though your child has played with toy bow and arrows throughout their childhood, by the time they are eight to ten years old, they might be mature enough to look at the more complicated youth archery bows that are available.

You can find youth archery bows [] that range in price from beginner youth bows for under $50 to the more expensive youth archery bows that can cost up to $400 and there are all kinds of youth bows for the price ranges that fall in between. The main thing to keep in mind is that you don't want to go overboard on youth archery bows you purchase in their younger years because they are likely to outgrow them in a short amount of time.

The first thing you will want to do is consider whether your child is left or right eye dominant. The easiest way to check this might be to have them face something and point to it with both eyes open. Have the child close their right eye and if they have to adjust the finger towards the right, they are right eye dominant and you need to purchase a right hand bow. If they don't move their pointing finger, they would be considered left eye dominant and you would need to consider left handed youth archery bows.

The most important factors in purchasing the proper size of youth archery bows would be the draw length, draw weight and the proper length of the bow is important, too. To measure the draw length, you measure the entire arm spam of the child from middle fingertip to middle fingertip and divide it by 2.5. To get the proper bow length for youth bows, comfort is the main factor, so the child should try several different youth archery bows, (which run from 31 inches to 41 inches in bow length), to find the one that feels like the best fit.

Draw weight is the amount of pressure in pounds that are exerted as they draw the bow. For most children that weigh between 100 and 130 pounds, a draw weight of 25 to 35 pounds would be appropriate. You can roughly estimate that the draw weight should be approximately a fourth to a third of the child's weight, depending on their strength. It's a matter of finding the youth archery bows that match the child's individual comfort and it is important that the youth archery bows aren't too heavy or complicated for the child to use proficiently, especially in the case of younger children.

As your child grows, you might assume their love of archery will, too. If so, you need to keep in mind that you will probably be shopping for youth archery bows again in another year or so, but it will be easier to select the proper youth bows after your child has had some experience and hopefully, has hit a few targets.

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