Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Ten Ways To Happiness

Step off the pleasure roller-coaster These days too many people go around chasing pleasurable experiences that never seem to last that long.
Pleasure is transitory it will never bring true lasting happiness.
It's like riding a roller-coaster of short-term highs.
Step of the roller-coaster and look for something that will make you happy in the long-term.
Let go of 'unreal' expectations In these days of celebrity some people think that if they don't look like a film star or dress like one then they can't be happy.
Why not change an attitude of "If I don't look right I'm not worth it," into "my life is more than my appearance.
" Appearances are important but nobody is perfect, especially when the 'cameras are off'.
Develop your happiness muscle It is important to make time for more happiness in your life.
Develop your happiness muscle by taking time to do something during the day that makes you feel happy.
Even something as seemingly small as reading a few uplifting quotes can have an effect on your mood.
More 'Me time' please 'Me time' is very important.
If you feel your needs aren't being met in one or more aspects of your life work out a plan to get those needs met.
You aren't being selfish because you focus on yourself.
Others will benefit from your new-found happiness too.
Embrace change It's normal to be afraid of something different that pushes us outside our comfort zones - something we don't yet understand.
When we resist change we become stuck, unable to see the positives that are waiting there for us.
When we embrace change our fears subside and we allow ourselves to grow and develop in new, often exciting ways.
Express how you really feel I'm a fan of affirmations and positive thinking but unless you're realistic about how you feel you will just be papering over the negative cracks.
If you feel sad or negative do something about it first before applying the positive stuff.
Happiness is what you make it Someone I know went to London with a friend and spent fifteen pounds on a book.
He was miserable the whole time having regretted spending what he perceived to be a lot of money.
He and his friend visited all the famous London sites but nothing seemed to cheer him up so they decided to go home.
On the way to the underground, with his head down and feeling sorry for himself he saw a twenty pound note on the floor.
Suddenly he noticed how beautiful Oxford Street was at night with all the shops lit up along the way.
He began to smile at the faces on buses - his whole perception had changed.
So much so that he and his friend decided to stay a few hours more in the capital city and enjoy a coffee in a local cafe.
Happiness really is what you make it.
Be grateful for what you have Your life is never as bad as it seems - if it is then you've forgot to focus on the good bits.
By all means notice the things that are going wrong yet make a promise to do something about them.
Don't forget the good things in your life as well.
Unhappiness is a message to you Ignore your unhappiness at your own peril.
If you find yourself moping around quite a lot maybe it's time to find out the reasons why you're unhappy.
If you listen you will find a message that you would do well to heed.
You can then get back to a more balanced life.
Accept the past don't act like it never existed Some people try to erase their past.
They spend lots of money on therapy or alcohol or drugs.
The past events in your life will never go away.
They happened for a reason and it's about acceptance rather that denial.
Acceptance allows for a different perspective and for healing to start.

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