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How Do We Become Home Church Christians?

My wife and I began to worship at home first.
We spent time together on Sundays at home.
We began to sing songs and hymns we so moved the churches stopped singing anymore.
We sometimes would spend two or three hours just singing and nothing else between breaks.
Then we started the bible study with singing.
We would study a passage or just read big chunks of the bible like a book like job in one session with breaks.
We will again sing and study and discuss and open all kinds of doubts, questions and possibilities.
We enjoyed it.
This is how a home church operates.
Then we graduated to praying, singing, studying, and eating.
When our children were with us we would dedicate all Saturday afternoon sometimes and spend to with our tow daughters till they left home.
We would meet whenever we could and no pressure to meet.
But the best outcome was that these studies became a part of our living on a daily basis.
We permeated into every part of our living.
Our words reflected faith instead of doubt and our action projected Jesus teaching and not the church mandate.
We became more and more like Christians of the New Testament.
The New Testament practiced home church and we did not know.
I would encourage you try this new experience in your home with your spouse and children.
The father and husband is the pastor or the elder who leads the group with love and care.
The others participate in every way like a home.
There are absolutely no rules and expectations.
If the father does not want to take the lead, some one else is going to do that for you.
Your wife may have to with a lot of hesitation take that lead and direct the family.
But that father has delegated outside of God's will.
God wants the father to take his god given position of headship and act from that power and responsibility.
The wife will be blessed.
Children will be blessed.
DO you know when the children hear the word of God through the father in love, they listen.
The bible says if you train your child when he or she is young in the way that should, they would not go away from it when they are old.
The bible is true.
I have y children to testify for our family.
I took my responsibility very seriously as a commission fro God and set aside time to spend with them talking about the Lord and praying with them.

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