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You Are Blessed Despite Your Circumstances!

You are blessed despite your circumstances! Are you walking around with a frown on your face, tired and feeling sorry for yourself for the many disappointments in your life? Why would you do that if you know that you've already won the battles in your life? Maybe you don't yet realize it, but you are a winner.
You are programmed for victory; no matter how dismal your situation looks at this moment! If you're Christian, then be encouraged that the Victor is living in you! He has already won the war.
The enemy is defeated.
Satan is going around like a roaring lion to devour.
He is not a lion; he's merely acting like one in order to instill havoc and fear.
But, he cannot kill you.
Jesus has paid the price for you to have eternal life.
Even if you lose all your possessions like Job, Jesus has come to restore and be your provider.
"The thief cometh not, but to steal, and to kill, and to destroy; I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.
" (John 10:10) So, be wise to the tactics of the enemy of your soul.
He will keep on trying and seem to be succeeding.
But, remember Job! He kept insisting that he had been a good man and deserved better.
He kept focusing on his problems and himself.
In so doing, he blamed God for allowing his pain and the destruction of all his possessions.
Once he started focusing on God and seeing His majesty, power, magnificence, and awesome compassion, then Job had that "aha, eureka" kind of moment! It became a revelation that changed his whole life! Then he exclaimed exuberantly: "I know that thou canst do every thing, and that no thought can be withholden from thee.
" (Job 42: 2) You are blessed despite your circumstances! From that moment on, after repentance before his God, who was now very real and personal to him, Job's circumstances turned around.
He was healed, blessed with a new family, and his possessions were multiplied after he prayed for the people who had given him wrong advice.
Meditate on that for a moment.
Maybe you have been seeking and receiving wrong advice.
You may have focused on the world's solutions.
Perhaps you've relied on your own negative thoughts keeping you focused on the problems instead of His solution.
Yes, your circumstances are real; as Job's were.
But, your God is greater than any circumstance! Do you really know Jesus Christ, and what He has accomplished on the cross at Calvary for you? Maybe you've been saved a long time and your adverse circumstances have obscured the marvelous miracle of your salvation.
He is still God.
He does not change; nor is He withholding His love from you.
No matter what you have done or what problems you're facing, lay everything at His feet.
Seek His face daily and thank Him for all his marvelous works.
It is good to remind yourself of all the blessings He has already given you.
As you do, your faith will be stirred up, your peace will be restored, and your focus will be on His solution instead of the problem! Be blessed and know that God is still on the throne.
"Be still, and know that I am God.
" (Ps.
46: 10)

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