Pets & Animal Domestic & Farm Animals

Grow Your Own Food Even If You Don"t Have Time Or The Resources To

In the modern world, it seems people have filled their schedules to the point that they don't have time to do a lot of the things they would like.
For many people, this includes growing their own food.
Gardening takes a lot of commitment of time and work.
But there is a way to grow your own food, even if you don't have time to.
Aquaponics is a way of growing both fish and vegetables together with very little effort on your part.
Once set up, this is a system where the fish and the plants will mostly take care of each other.
Your job will be to feed the fish, plant the plants, and check on the system every once in a while.
And if feeding the fish is too much, automatic feeders are wonderful things.
While you are out being busy, the fish will be releasing fish wastes into the water.
These wastes are full of the substances that plants need.
Bacteria that exist naturally in the water convert these wastes into forms that the plants can absorb from the water as nutrients.
With a constant supply of these rich nutrients and all the water they can use, plants grow beautifully.
While all this is going on, the plants and the bacteria are constantly at work keeping the water clean for the fish.
If you have ever had a fish aquarium, you probably know that a mechanical filter is required to keep the fish alive and the tank clean.
But with an aquaponics system, the plants do all of that for you.
Instead of a filter cartridge, a grow bed is used to pump water through and the plants roots do the cleaning.
This is all done without soil, so it eliminates all of the garden work that keeps gardeners constantly busy working.
With aquaponics you just let the system do its thing.
This creates a system that is very similar to nature.
Plants and animals grow just fine in nature without someone having to clean things up, dig, water, fertilize and pull weeds.
That's because there is a balance between plants and animals that take care of each other.
The same with an aquaponic system.
If you don't have time to grow your own food, you can now do it anyway with aquaponics.
Produce all the organically grown vegetables and fish that you can eat, without all the hassle and time and hassles of traditional farming.

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