Business & Finance Electronic Commerce

Can an Ordinary Person Like Me Really Make Money Online?

Have you been trying to make money online for some time now? Have you spent hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars on books, e-books, courses and seminars? Have you maxed out the credit card on the latest scheme to come down the pike that guaranteed you would make at least $20,000 in the next 48 hours and you failed to make even a dime? Is you spouse threatening divorce if you continue spending every spare moment on the computer trying to get your internet business of the ground? But despite the odds being stacked against you, you know that if you hang in there a little longer, you'll be able to make your business into the success it is capable of becoming.
But there are times when you wonder if your friends and family are right and you wonder if you should just throw in the towel? Or should you persist? Is there really money to be made on the internet, because if there is, you certainly haven't seen any.
Or is it that the only ones making any money on the internet are those who are selling "how to make money on the internet" type of information? There is most certainly money to be made in a variety of niches online, certainly not only the internet marketing niche.
In fact if you are just starting out the internet marketing niche is one of the toughest niches to break into.
The competition is fierce and you are dealing with expert marketers who know every trick in the book.
It is much better to start off in another niche that has less competition, something that is a hobby or passion of yours perhaps.
One of the huge benefits to starting an internet marketing business is that it costs very little to start up and even less to run.
But here is where many beginners make a dangerous assumption.
Enticed by the compelling copy on many sales pages they think that they are going to make millions of dollars as they sip cocktails in the Bahamas.
The truth is that starting an internet business requires the same hard work, sacrifice and commitment that an offline business would.
Yes, it is true that you can make money while you sleep, but that is only after you business is up and running.
As with anything worthwhile in life, the hard work comes first and the payoffs come later.
Second, STOP buying any more internet marketing related material.
Have you thoroughly utilized the other 2715 products sitting on your hard drive? Stop looking for the magical key that will open the door to unlimited internet wealth.
There isn't one.
Success comes from a number of time tested strategies and if you learn them you will be basing your business on a solid footing.
Start reading some of those e-books that are gathering digital dust on your hard drive and more importantly START APPLYING what you've learnt.
Thirdly, keep in mind that that even the gurus' took some time to begin making money on the internet.
Many of them took from six months to 2 years or more before they began earning well.
In addition to that they made lot's of mistakes.
But they learned from those mistakes and moved on.
And so should you? And lastly, having the right mindset is vitally important.
Your business can only grow as big as your beliefs.
That's why personal self-growth is one of the best ways to grow your business.
Jim Rohn, America's success expert, says 'Success is not something you pursue, it is something you attract by the person you become' So make personal growth and improvement a priority in your life and watch your business take off like never before.

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