Health & Medical Hair Health,Hair Loss

Young Women With Hair Loss- Discovering The Reasons

Females can be markedly different from males when it comes to hair fall because there are young women with hair loss. This is in contrast to the late age at which most men experience partial or full balding. This suggests that there can be a variety of reasons and causes behind falling hair in women. The reasons given below are only some of the possible causes of the condition in young women.

Hormonal Changes

Many women lose plenty of hair during the menopausal stage. This is because biological changes at this stage could lower the amount of estrogen in the body. Normally, estrogen balances testosterone levels which are a factor in hair loss. Although young women normally do not experience menopause yet, they are still likely to undergo some hormonal fluctuations at some point in their lives. Pregnancy or the period directly after that can also be a time for hormonal changes. Hence, women at this period in their lives may notice more falling hair than normal.


Stress can be brought about by a number of different factors. Mental and emotional stress for example could be triggered by difficult personal or professional problems. Physical or biological stress on the other hand can be the result of severe illness or strong medication. Whatever the kind and cause of stress, it has been generally linked to temporary hair loss. Female teens and young adults may have more than their fair share of difficult situations.

Tight Hair Styles

Women with long hair may opt to tie their locks. Frequently arranging hair in tight styles like braids, ponytails and corn rolls could pull some strands off. In some cases, these hairstyles may even injure the scalp and cause scarring that could lead to a permanent bald patch. It is always best to alternate tight styles with loose styles.

Young women with hair loss can also be affected by several other factors. These three however are among the major ones. In a lot of cases, hair problems in young women can be eased by a couple of treatment options.

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