Natural Feline Urinary Tract Infection Treatments
- Symptoms of a urinary tract infection include blood in the urine, a cat straining or crying when urinating, urine that has an especially bad smell, or a cat that is going to the litter box more frequently than usual. If your cat is having more accidents or urinating in unusual places, this can also be a sign that it may have a UTI.
- Urinary tract infections are caused by bacteria in the bladder or the urethra. The urethra is the tube through which urine flows from the cat's body.
- Your veterinarian will likely prescribe antibiotics to a cat with a urinary tract infection. You may want to include a small amount of yogurt in your cat's diet while it is taking the antibiotics. Antibiotics not only kill the bacteria that are making your cat sick, but friendly bacteria as well. Yogurt can help maintain the proper balance during antibiotic treatment.
- An herbal tea containing goldenrod, horsetail, parsley, marshmallow root and elderberry may help your cat to regain its health more quickly. A blend is often sold under the name Urinary Tea Blend. You should cool the tea and give your cat 1 tsp. of the liquid three times per day while it has symptoms of the UTI.
- As in people, cranberry juice has a role to play in the urinary tract health of cats. Pure cranberry juice should be used. It helps to control infection by stopping harmful bacteria from attaching to the surface of the bladder. It also acidifies the urine, which creates an inhospitable environment for the bacteria.
- You can provide some pain relief for your sick pet using cantharis, a homeopathic bladder treatment. This is especially effective for cats that are straining to urinate. Give the cat two to three pellets of cantharis two to three times per day. The medicine will be absorbed by simply placing the pellets in her mouth. It isn't necessary that she swallow them.
- As in all homeopathic treatment, diet plays a role in healing from a urinary tract infection. Commercial pet foods often contain preservatives, artificial colors and chemicals that may weaken your cat's immune system. You may wish to consult a homeopathic veterinarian about a better diet for your pet.
Fluids are especially important for a cat who is recovering from a UTI. You want your cat to urinate often to help move the bacteria from her bladder. To encourage this, offer her moist food only or dip dry foods in water or chicken broth. Provide her with filtered water or spring water, and keep the litter box extra clean. - In female cats, the urethra is short and bacteria can ascend quickly into the bladder. You may help prevent your female cat from getting an infection by wiping her after she uses the litter box. A baby wipe or wet paper towel can be used.