The New York State Guard Card Laws
- Obtaining a guard card with firearm privileges requires intensive training.pistol image by Du...?an Zidar from
New York State Law defines a security guard as a person employed primarily to engage in the duties of: protecting persons and property from theft, harm, or unlawful activity; responding to a security system alarm; deterring, observing and reporting illegal activity; controlling access to property; and enforcing authorized security policies, rules and regulations when not performing any of the foregoing as a private investigator. Security Guards must obtain a registration card in order to work. - The New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services licenses and supervises private security guard training programs. The New York State Department of State, Division of Licensing Services issues Security Guard Registration Cards. If you want your card, you must first complete an approved 8-hour Pre-Assignment Training Course prior to application, followed by a 16-hour On-the-Job Training Course for Security Guards within 90 days of initial employment. If you want to qualify as an armed security guard, you must have a valid New York State Pistol License and complete an additional 47-hour course in firearms training for a Special Armed Guard Registration Card. Maintaining the armed guard registration card requires an 8-hour annual In-service Training Course for Armed Security Guards.
- Your application for security guard registration must include proof of your completion of the required training. Additional requirements include: minimum age of 18 years; citizenship or resident alien status; no prior conviction of a serious crime in any jurisdiction; no prior conviction of a misdemeanor crime if such conviction impacts on you security guard duties; possession of good moral character; no prior finding of mental illness or defect by a court of competent jurisdiction; no prior discharge by a law enforcement agency for cause; and no mental or physical disability, or disability by reason of alcohol or drug abuse that would impair your ability to perform your duties.
- An application form may be downloaded from the New York State Department of State Division of Licensing Services website, which is referenced below. You must sign a consent to have your guard card photo identification taken directly from Department of Motor Vehicles driver's license photo or your Department of Motor Vehicles photo identification card. If you have neither, you must obtain one or the other. A fee of $36 is required to process your application. There are detailed instructions on the application form concerning the requirement for fingerprints and the pertinent fees. You must also report whether or not you are in arrears on a child-support obligation. A registered security guard in support arrears in excess of four months risks losing her license for that reason alone. If you lie about it on the application, it's punishable as a felony.