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Roundworm Symptoms in Puppies


    • Roundworms are most frequently caused by two intestinal parasites called toxacara canis and toxascaris leonia. Roundworms are typically 2 to 4 inches long but can grow up to 8 inches. They are tubular or circular in shape. Roundworms can infect puppies in several ways. They can be passed into the feces of an infected dog and then sniffed or licked by the puppy. Puppies can also be infected by their infected mother. Roundworms undergo a complicated life cycle before they become fully mature roundworms. The larvae of the roundworm can cross from the infected mother into the placenta and then infect the unborn puppy. Roundworms can also enter the mammary glands of the mother and be transmitted through her milk. Roundworm infection can cause a number of symptoms in puppies.

    Gastrointestinal Symptoms

    • Roundworms cause gastrointestinal symptoms because they feed off of the contents of the intestines and prevent the puppy from absorbing vital nutrients. They can damage the intestines, which interferes with normal digestion. The symptoms of this include frequent diarrhea, abdominal pain, and bloated stomach. The puppy may overeat and never be satisfied. Once the gastrointestinal symptoms start, the puppy may no longer want to eat at all. In the case of a severe infestation, the intestines may become blocked with roundworms. This can prevent the puppy from passing a stool and the bowel may rupture.

    Upper Respiratory Symptoms

    • Roundworm larvae has the ability to migrate to other tissues. Frequently, they will enter the respiratory system and cause symptoms that mimic a respiratory infection such as coughing and sneezing. In severe cases, the roundworms may cause pneumonia.

    Other Symptoms

    • Roundworms can cause stunted growth in puppies. This is because the puppy is unable to absorb the nutrients in the food that he eats. Although it is rare, roundworm larvae may migrate to other tissues of the body including the brain and liver. This can cause liver rupture and even death. The puppy may show signs of anemia and may appear depressed and lethargic.


    • Proper treatment is necessary to avoid these complications. All puppies should be dewormed when they are born. This involves oral medication given at two, four, six, and eight weeks. The puppy is prescribed a preventative heartworm medication every month after this. Heartworm medication contains ingredients that are effective against preventing roundworms.

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