Law & Legal & Attorney Immigration Law

San Francisco Immigration Lawyers Provide Best Legal Counsel on Citizenship in the US

It can be hard to acquire permanent citizenship in the United States of America if you have nobody to guide you on the process. There are so many filings, so much paperwork and a lot of visits to the authorities' offices that you at some stage would need legal help and in its absence are going to literally bleed through your nose in getting the job done.

Hire San Francisco Immigration Lawyers who counsel you on the entire process. Right from the first step till the last, they guide you on every nuance involved in permanent immigration.

San Francisco Immigration Lawyers guide you on how the United States bequeaths citizenship on individuals besides giving them several protections, privileges and rights. Being a citizen, you get the right to cast your vote in both Gubernatorial and Presidential Elections. The attorneys-at-law help you understand how citizenry can be acquired based on 3 different stipulations which are, based on your birth in the country and subject to U.S. Jurisdiction, birth overseas to one or both parents of U.S. Citizen Parents or on account of naturalization.

Naturalization is your way of becoming a permanent U.S Citizen if you happen to be born outside the United States and are not subject to US Federal Jurisdiction. San Francisco Immigration Lawyers also counsel you on the entire process of naturalization detailing every clause under it. To begin with, they explain how the application must be at least 18 years of age.

That he should be a person of good moral character for the requisite 5 years is mandatory. This is reduced to 3 years for individuals obtaining their green cards/permanent residence through marriage to their US Citizen Spouse or VAWA Applicants before they apply for naturalization. They should be able to read, write and understand English. The individual should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the history and principles of the United States Government.

The attorneys-at-law explain in detail how those who have acquired their green card by getting married to a US Citizen are eligible for naturalization 3 years from the date of becoming a green card holder or permanent resident. For further naturalization purpose, one should not spend 6 months or more outside the United States in order to maintain the continuous residency requirement.

There are chances the government may allege you have abandoned your green card/permanent residence status when you stay a significant part of any given year prior to naturalization outside the United States. You will be disqualified by the United States Federal Government from becoming a citizen via naturalization if you have effectively abandoned your status as a permanent resident or a green card holder.

So if you are trying to immigrate to the United States and also vying for US Citizenship, these are clauses/laws you will be counseled on to ensure you get your act right. The attorneys are the best in the United States of America in providing legal counsel on immigration. Their advice will by all means suffice and ensure you get the job done.

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