Technology Networking & Internet

Keep Fresh Content On Your Website

Over the past few years, Google has revamped their search engine algorithm, or the way they rank websites when indexing every site. On average, Google will roll out a new algorithm each year, then make changes to it as they see it fits. It's important for business owners and SEO's alike, to pay close attention to these changes, as if focused on properly, you'll be able to stay ahead with the latest changes and tips.

Relevant content has been an important aspect of SEO for years, though with the latest algorithm update, it is now more important than ever to start paying attention. Relevant content is simply defined as content that is useful to the viewer, but even more importantly, fresh and ever-changing. Fresh content should be included somewhere on your website and changed up routinely to let the search engines know that A. Your site is modern, not static, and it's growing, B. Sites that have more changes will tend to get indexed a bit faster.

Relevant content should never be implied as stuffing billions of keywords into a paragraph. This may have worked in the late 1990's and early 2000's, but with thousands of new sites being launched everyday, Google has been working on a way to rank sites fairly, and ethically. This new algorithm change has proven to weed out a lot of older websites that merely don't stay updated, leaving the winners to shine.

A good and easy way to keep fresh content on your website or blog is to include a "recent events/news" section on the front page that you can add to frequently. Not only will this help your site stay fresh and relevant, but viewers that come onto your site will know that your business is up to date, and cares about keeping customers informed. It is very common these days for businesses to have a website live for years and include old and outdated content. From a potential customer's perspective, I would rather be working with an organization who is up to date with their company online and offline. Meaning, if a potential customer sees an outdated site, it speaks poorly for that business offline.

In conclusion, it is more important than ever to include relevant and fresh content into your ongoing SEO strategy. Be willing to adapt to new practices, and always stay in tune with the latest algorithm update set out by Google. It may just prove to help you and your website's rankings stay in the driver's seat.

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