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How to Play Ultimate

    • 1). Divide players into two teams of seven players each. Adjust team size as needed or, for larger teams, substitute players during the game after a score.

    • 2). Flip a disk (not a coin) to decide which team will begin as defense and which will begin as offense.

    • 3). Line up on opposite sides of the field. The defense begins by throwing the disc to the offense.

    • 4). Throw the disc (in any direction) to a teammate if you're on the offense, but know that it's illegal to run with it. When another player catches it, he or she must throw it to a teammate within 10 seconds.

    • 5). Understand that one point is scored when an offensive player catches the disc in the end zone being guarded by the defense.

    • 6). Give control of the disc to the defense if a thrower fails to complete a pass (waits more than 10 seconds, drops the disc, throws it out of bounds or throws an interception).

    • 7). Keep in mind that ultimate is a noncontact sport. If contact occurs, a foul is called.

    • 8). Understand that if the foul results in a turnover (change of disc possession from one team to another), play resumes as if the turnover hadn't taken place.

    • 9). Repeat the play if the player who committed the foul (the person who initiated contact) disagrees with the call.

    • 10

      Know that the winning team is the one with the highest score at the end of two 24-minute halves. Games may also be played to a set number of points agreed on before the start of play.

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