Letter L Crafts for Pre-K
- Using salt dough in crafts is easy, and it allows the preschoolers to participate from beginning to end. Give the children some flour and ask them to measure two cups. Mix the flour with 1 cup of salt and 1 cup of water and have some fun together when kneading the mixture. Tell a story while the dough rests for 20 minutes. The children then spread the dough on a flat surface and make their letter L shapes. Decorate the letters with beads, glitter or flowers and ornaments made from salt dough cut-offs. Let the artwork dry for two days before painting it with acrylic paint. Depending on the size of the finished crafts, the preschoolers can use the salt-dough letters as wall decorations or glue them on magnets to place on the fridge.
- Your preschoolers can make a colorful key-chain charm of the letter L with the help of adhesive craft foam. Make a template of the letter and punch a hole at the top of the template. The preschoolers then can trace the letter on three sheets of the adhesive craft foam. Turn the letter template around and trace a mirror image of the letter on a fourth foam sheet. The children then cut out the letters from the foam sheets and punch the hole on all four. Remove the backing paper from the foam sheets and help the students stick the letters together, with the last one having both adhesive sides facing each other. The key-chain letter is finished once the ring is inserted in the punched hole by an adult.
- "Love" and "like" are letter L words, and your preschoolers can make a simple Valentine's Day card for their parents or best friend. Make cards from card stock and hand them to the preschoolers. Ask the children to write the letter L on the front and decorate the cards with stickers or pictures of all the things they associate with the words "love" or "like." Decorations can include hearts, kisses, flowers, ice cream, cuddly animals or toys. Alternatively, your preschoolers can make a heart-shaped ladybug card for Valentine's Day, with six legs shaped like the letter L and heart-shaped spots. Inside the cards they can write "I love you" or "I like you" before giving it to the person of their affection.
- Do some group work and create posters made from magazine pictures and the children's own drawings. Divide the preschoolers into teams and give them a large sheet of paper on which you have written the letter L. Ask the students to find and cut out magazine pictures showing objects, animals or people that begin with the letter L. Have them glue the pictures on the sheet and add drawings and other decorations. Poster decorations can include ladybugs, lions, leopards, letters, ladders or hearts representing the word "love." Display the finished posters on the walls and compare the various ideas the children have come up with.