Home & Garden Maintenance & Repairs

How to Make a GE Fridge Warmer

    • 1). Press "Home" and "Refrigerator" on your fridge's LCD control panel, and press the up arrow button to raise the temperature of your refrigerator. For a non-LCD fridge, press "Fridge Temp" and press the up arrow button to increase the temperature.

    • 2). Insert the food you want to thaw out into the bottom drawer, and press "ExpressThaw" to warm up the drawer and thaw out the food. The ExpressThaw feature is only available for LCD models.

    • 3). Press "Home," "Options." "Information and Settings" and "Cooling System Off" on the LCD fridge if you need to temporarily turn off the refrigerator's temperature control. For a non-LCD fridge, press "Freezer Temp/Fridge Temp" and press the up arrow button to level 5.

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