Home & Garden Architecture

How to Conceal Electrical Boxes in a Living Room

    • 1). Mount a picture over the living room electrical box large enough to completely cover it. Use a stud finder to locate a wall stud on one side of the box. Mark it with a pencil. Repeat the process on the other side of the electrical box. Hang one picture hook on each stud and slide the picture in place.

    • 2). Create or purchase a picture on a foam core poster board that’s slightly larger than the electrical panel box. Make the picture something that matches your living room colors and style. Turn the poster board over and glue magnetic strips into place. Position the picture and stick it directly to the panel box door.

    • 3). Cover the living room electrical panel box with vinyl wall cling shapes or pictures, which peel and stick directly to the surface. Change them as often as you want, as they leave no residue behind when removed. They can also be reused.

    • 4). Lean a tall painting or mirror against the wall for balance, placing it so it hides the electrical panel box. Place a piece of furniture underneath, such as a table, and lean an object to hide it, if you can’t find one that reaches from the floor to the box top.

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