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Holidaying Abroad With Your Baby

After a month or two of having your baby, you will probably feel that you're ready for a holiday, especially if you haven't been away as a couple during the later stage of pregnancy.
But going on holiday for the first time with your baby feels really daunting, especially if you are first time parents.
If you're not a seasoned traveller, you may feel that it's best to postpone your holiday plans abroad until your baby is a little older.
Holiday abroad is not as stressful as you think it is if you plan it well.
In fact, it's easier to take babies abroad while they are still not mobile.
One, you don't have to worry about running after them and keeping them away from danger because they are still in the push chair.
Two, you don't have to worry about entertaining them.
You still have a bit of freedom where you can go, although, noisy and crowded bars are definitely not an option.
To make your holiday with your baby stress free, make sure that you prepare ahead of time.
Passport - All babies born after 1998 require their own passport.
It takes approximately 3 weeks to get your baby's passport, so ensure that you have plenty of time to organise that before your holiday.
Applying for your baby's passport is easy.
Just go to the post office and get an application form.
You need someone with authority to sign your baby's photo.
This could be a head teacher, a police officer, a lawyer or your GP.
For an extra fee, you can go to the post office and ask them to check that you completed the application form correctly.
Visa - Don't just assume that your British passport will get you entry everywhere.
If you're Canada, Russia, Australia and the US, you will need a visa.
To be on the safe side, check for visa requirements before booking your holiday.
EHIC (European Health Insurance Card) - If you are travelling around the Euro zone, you need apply for an EHIC to get free health care while abroad.
It's free of charge and it's very easy to complete the form online.
Click here for details and apply online.
Appropriate clothing - Ensure that you pack appropriate clothing for your baby.
If you're going somewhere warm, pack plenty of sun cream andbaby hats.
Likewise, if you're travelling to somewhere freezing, don't forget to pack loads of baby grows and blankets and a coat.
You need to make sure that inside temperature in hotels and apartments can get too warm, so don't pack very thick clothing, instead pack items that you can layer.
Finally, have fun!

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